Monday, June 28, 2010

What Do You Use A Projector Phone For?

Comunicato Rete Operaia Valseriana


La Rete Operaia Valseriana was established in September last year by the common understanding of the companions of varying membership, but placed on classist and internationalist positions, they have set themselves the task of organizing, even on our soil, the working-class resistance to the wave of layoffs and job insecurity triggered by the world crisis of capitalism.
For now we have seen very little on the side of workers' struggles. That might seem a paradox, given the tremendous impact that this crisis has had, has and still will have on employment levels, wages, the most general living conditions.
So let us ask ourselves why, in fact why.
We also, now, the tare grounds of "objective" historians of these areas, as we know, pay the duty of a mentality that "work", "proprietary", Catholic, believes that "sacred" property, and the sacred duty of the employee sottomettervisi.
said that, however, the jobs go to hell and everyone understands it. So much so that there are reactions "hot" to the bosses announcing closures, layoffs, etc..
The problem at this point, then moves on the ground of what are they and what do the unions and parties of the "left" who say strate by the employees, or, better to say "work" (So \u200b\u200bthey think they seize the most votes from all ...).
The ICFTU has become an organic part of the project owner to "start afresh" with less busy and a mass of precarious employment. The strength of this union is the plain speaking. They are with employers and with governments and .... Signatory to all! In this dish out, rightly, the stale processions, so dear to the CGIL, the classic scioperetto General every six months. In fact: what's the point?
The CGIL, the biggest (not great) Italian trade union, is more sensitive to whether or not the "friendly government". When there are signs all over the latter also (see pension), which compares governs the right to do some "opposition", which, however, not to endanger the return of "our" in command, is essentially a facade. The same
FIOM, sponsoring a motion, "alternative" to the recent National Congress of the CGIL, is bombastic proclamations of mobilization at the national level, but shamefully in the territories is queued to the FIM, signing volleys of layoffs. How can they resist
workers decently when they are led by unions that have a scale of "values" typically bourgeois? Type: The property is sacred and we must do within a strict legal struggles and respect for the "civil society"; non bisogna intaccare la “coesione sociale” e la legittimità delle Istituzioni; bisogna “limitare i danni” e sperare che i padroni capiscano l’utilità di investire qui in Italia ;e cose del genere….
E come possono i lavoratori sperare in partiti “di sinistra” che hanno perso ogni serio riferimento di classe, che si fanno vivi solo sotto le elezioni, che credono che il Parlamento sia l’ombelico del mondo, che cercano solo poltrone, che non vogliono rischiare i loro “posticini” per nessuna cosa al mondo…?

I risultati di questa deriva li vediamo quotidianamente : aziende che licenziano col benestare dei sindacati e nell’indifferenza totale all the forks .. also "red"!
Tuesday, May 18 so it was the Committees on Nembro, where only the Workers 'Network was there to tell workers not to give in to occupy the factory, because you can not share the work with a little' cash and some incentive Plus .... It 'the same film seen in the company of the Gres Sorisole, the Triumph of Trescore, the Lift and Cone, with a more tortuous path, yet the Frattini Seriate. Next victim: the New Pansac Zingonia and the already devastated Donora. The owners know the point of falling. Shoot up (mobility) to the CIGS and incentives in exchange for the dismantling and / or dismissal.

Unions are fake, fights shy, and then say that the possible has been done, so that more of you could not get that down or accept the package or not there are even cash and incentives .... So, after the De Profundis, he buries the dead.

No one would dream of connecting the realities of fighting on the platforms, including territorial, to mobilize the workers do not really giving respite to their masters and the "Authority", involving the population with campaigns pressing for information and aggregate! No shortage of resources (the CGIL has the Budget in surplus), it lacks the political will. That which is placed the other side of the fence ....

The Net Workers throughout the province intends to denounce this situation of deterioration and collusion between political authorities, business associations, trade unions, political parties, which will result in the devastation and social insecurity and a future of widespread for us and the new generations.

Who's is complicit. But even those who keep silent are complicit. The Network calls Workers

all comrades, all the forces of genuine class, not to bend your head, but to work actively to respond to the dismantling of employment in the province, creating opportunities for discussion and organization that can give a clear signal that, for us, NON TUTTO E’ ANCORA PERDUTO !!!



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