Monday, June 14, 2010

What To Text A Scorpio Man

Bulzi - balls of polenta Romania

Bulzi are balls of polenta Romania ("mamaliga" èprep that plowed into a cast iron pot called "ceaun") stuffed with cheese and baked or cooked on the grill or on the plate. It 's a dish of pastors. First you prepare the polenta is ready when it is poured, cut into pieces and each piece is filled with cheese. They are formed into balls that are cooked on the grill or cooked in the oven, sprinkled with butter and / or cheese and served with or without sour cream or yogurt.

Ingredients for the polenta:

300 gr corn flour

1200 ml water 1 / 2 teaspoon coarse salt

Ingredients for filling:

150-200 g smoked

50-60 g 150-200 g parmesan cheese butter

1. Prepare the polenta: putting the water to boil, add salt when water begins to boil after the corn flour and wiping rain and mixing with a spoon or a wooden stick or you can add all the cornmeal in a single movement and mix well to do the lumps.
You must stir often while the polenta is cooking over very low heat for 40 minutes. The polenta should be thick. Pour and let cool down until when you can tap with your hand and can form the balls.

2. Divide il formaggio in parti uguali ( si possono usare più tipi di foramaggio mescolati tra loro con burro ).

3. Formate le palle e cuocetele sulla griglia, piastra o infornatele. Mettete il burro a cubetti in una teglia da forno, lasciate 1-2 minui nel forno molto caldo alla temperatura massima e quando il burro è sciolto aggiungete le palle di polenta ripiena. Lasciate cuocere 15-20 minuti o di più nel formo molto caldo.

Servite calde con formaggio grattugiato con o senza yogurt o panna acida.


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