Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Manipulated Editing The Next Food Network Star

Cornulete - Easter sweets typical

pastry: 500 gr. flour, 100gr. of sugar, half a bag of yeast, one egg, 100 gr. of butter.
Cream: 200 gr. of nuts, an egg white until stiff, a packet of cocoa powder, 50 gr. cream, a teaspoon of essence of rum.

Mix all the ingredients for the pastry. Roll out the dough with a half a centimeter thick and cut into squares of about six inches square. Mix all the ingredients for the cream and put up about half a tablespoon each square. Roll-shaped horn, put on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. When are cooled, place them in a tray and sprinkle with vanilla sugar.


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