Thursday, June 24, 2010

Advertising Ideas For A Dental Hygienist

Mititei (beef sausage spiced and grilled)


- 500 g meat minced beef well
- 250 gr minced pork very well
- 500 grams of cow bone soup
- 8 oz fresh ground pepper
- 12 gr savory / San Giuliano dry grass and very good ground
- 4 oz pepper
good ground - ground coriander 2 good
gr - 2 oz ground cumin
good - good ground star anise 1 oz
- 8 grams of sodium bicarbonate
1 teaspoon lemon juice - 1 tablespoon oil
- 1 bulb of '
garlic - salt
- oregano


The meat is mixed for one hour in front with the baking soda and lemon juice, half of the broth and seasonings bones
less garlic. The rest of broth is added slowly, slowly. Mix the ingredients
slamming the meat in the bowl.
then cover the dough and leave in the fridge for a day and a night.

The garlic is mixed with very little hot water and pour it into a piece of fabric, which is crushed with
in the flesh. It
amalgam of new and leave until the following day.

Take the meat condiment from the fridge and leave out a couple of hours before you grill.

mititei prepare the length of a finger and as thick as two fingers, brushed them with oil and grilled
turning 3 times.
The focus should not be too low because the mititei perderrano too much of their juice, so the result should be
: grilled on the outside and juicy inside, but not raw.

Serve with fresh rolls and mustard or salt and pepper to taste, and of course beer.


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