Monday, June 14, 2010

Itchy Red Eyebrows After Waxing

Sarmale - rolls in cabbage leaves

La ricetta più tradizionale della cucina rumena sono le "Sarmale",degli involtini di verza.


- 1 cavolo verza grande
- 700 gr carne trita mista (maiale e vitello)
- 6- 7 dadini di pancetta
- 1-2 uova
- 1 cipolla
- 1 carota
- aceto, olio
- 80 gr riso
- aromi (pepe, sale, prezzemolo tritato, strutto)
- qualche pomodoro maturo tagliato a pezzi
- concentrato di pomodoro
- mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco

Tempo di preparazione: 1 ora
Tempo di cottura: sul gas: 1 ora
al forno: 40 min.

Preparazione della verza:

you browse carefully savoy cabbage leaves and wash thoroughly.
to make it softer, you put water on the fire with a can of salt and vinegar, when the water boils, you cook the cabbage leaves, until one can become transparent and they drain.
takes off in the middle of the hard part, making sure that two become one leaf that can then be rolled up.
The leaves are cut waste listatoli and keep aside.
is held also by a large outer leaves (or two, depends on the width of your pot).

Preparing the filling:

Before you put a stew with a little oil, onion and carrot in a non-stick cast iron pot with lid, when the onion is shiny off the heat and add the uncooked rice and stir well, leave to cool. You add the ground meat (pork and beef), salt, pepper, tomato paste, parsley or dill, paprika, a tablespoon of lard and eggs and mix until everything becomes a paste.

Preparation of rolls:
Put the cabbage leaf in the palm of the hand and puts on a spoon or a teaspoon of filling may depend on the size of a sheet and then rolled up, it turns with the opening towards us, and pushes inward. Continue this process until the depletion of rolls.

In a crock pot you put a layer of thin strips of cabbage, a can of oil, a few slices of tomato and then, shipping, sarmale. In the middle of the circle and thus obtained over the layer of cabbage rolls you add more nuts and chopped tomatoes and bacon.
You add water almost to cover them, and a can of white wine. They let it boil over low heat for an hour, covered.
You taste the broth from time to time, to see if you still need to add salt.
When you feel that everything is well cooked, take the pot and place in a moderate oven for 40 min. (Always taking care that does not burn, and allow them to drain a can (the stock must remain at a minimum).
Serve with cream (acid) on top of polenta and a green chilli in vinegar and red wine.
Bon appetit!


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