Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dismissal Vs Expungement California

Spaghetti al pesto with pistachios and pine nuts with pumpkin flowers, green beans and ricotta salata

With the summer I pretty much moved to the country. The lawn, fields and more distant the sea ... What more could I want? Only an internet connection. In fact, for now, "nada de nada" and I have to neglect the blog that caspiterina, I miss very much. Of course, to be a little more consistent with the "mulberry" I might as well give up the roses, the collection of vegetables, the infinite horizon, the air a little more decent of the Roman, to dinners in the garden and sunsets over the sea. But do not talk so! Sooner or later, will make it with a stick :-)

Per farmi perdonare le mie ripetute assenze vi propongo un primo piatto che è nato ieri sera, per caso.  
Si sa che fagiolini e pesto si sposano a meraviglia, tanto da farli diventare una delle ricette più incredibili, meravigliose e famose della cucina italiana (ovviamente parlo delle trenette al pesto  genovese). Ma che succede se oltre ai fagiolini mettiamo i fiori di zucca e se al pesto tradizionale uniamo i pistacchi di Bronte e all'ultimo aggiungiamo una grattata di ricotta salata? Succede che esce fuori questo piatto:

Gli spaghetti al pesto di pistacchi e pinoli with squash blossoms, green beans and ricotta salata

Prepare pesto (preferably in a mortar or in blender) with a nice fresh bunch of basil and fragrant, a handful of pine nuts, a handful of pistachios , a teaspoon of dough pistachios (optional), a clove of garlic private soul (I put only half), a teaspoon of grated parmesan , salt and plenty of extra virgin olive oil . Keep aside.
Wash and trim the green beans (small ones are ideal. In this time of year, then, are crazy!) And cook in boiling salted water *. Al dente Drain and plunge into ice water to prevent continuing to cook. Meanwhile the clean zucchini flowers, remove them and cut the pistil as you like (I cut it lengthwise into four). Sauté quickly in a pan with a little olive oil and a clove of garlic poached, salt and set aside.
Cook the pasta in salted boiling water, drain underdone and ripassatela quickly with flowers and green beans. Season with pesto, ricotta salata e servite il prima possibile!

* potete cuocere i fagiolini assieme alla pasta.


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