Monday, June 28, 2010

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Comunicato Rete Operaia Valseriana


La Rete Operaia Valseriana was established in September last year by the common understanding of the companions of varying membership, but placed on classist and internationalist positions, they have set themselves the task of organizing, even on our soil, the working-class resistance to the wave of layoffs and job insecurity triggered by the world crisis of capitalism.
For now we have seen very little on the side of workers' struggles. That might seem a paradox, given the tremendous impact that this crisis has had, has and still will have on employment levels, wages, the most general living conditions.
So let us ask ourselves why, in fact why.
We also, now, the tare grounds of "objective" historians of these areas, as we know, pay the duty of a mentality that "work", "proprietary", Catholic, believes that "sacred" property, and the sacred duty of the employee sottomettervisi.
said that, however, the jobs go to hell and everyone understands it. So much so that there are reactions "hot" to the bosses announcing closures, layoffs, etc..
The problem at this point, then moves on the ground of what are they and what do the unions and parties of the "left" who say strate by the employees, or, better to say "work" (So \u200b\u200bthey think they seize the most votes from all ...).
The ICFTU has become an organic part of the project owner to "start afresh" with less busy and a mass of precarious employment. The strength of this union is the plain speaking. They are with employers and with governments and .... Signatory to all! In this dish out, rightly, the stale processions, so dear to the CGIL, the classic scioperetto General every six months. In fact: what's the point?
The CGIL, the biggest (not great) Italian trade union, is more sensitive to whether or not the "friendly government". When there are signs all over the latter also (see pension), which compares governs the right to do some "opposition", which, however, not to endanger the return of "our" in command, is essentially a facade. The same
FIOM, sponsoring a motion, "alternative" to the recent National Congress of the CGIL, is bombastic proclamations of mobilization at the national level, but shamefully in the territories is queued to the FIM, signing volleys of layoffs. How can they resist
workers decently when they are led by unions that have a scale of "values" typically bourgeois? Type: The property is sacred and we must do within a strict legal struggles and respect for the "civil society"; non bisogna intaccare la “coesione sociale” e la legittimità delle Istituzioni; bisogna “limitare i danni” e sperare che i padroni capiscano l’utilità di investire qui in Italia ;e cose del genere….
E come possono i lavoratori sperare in partiti “di sinistra” che hanno perso ogni serio riferimento di classe, che si fanno vivi solo sotto le elezioni, che credono che il Parlamento sia l’ombelico del mondo, che cercano solo poltrone, che non vogliono rischiare i loro “posticini” per nessuna cosa al mondo…?

I risultati di questa deriva li vediamo quotidianamente : aziende che licenziano col benestare dei sindacati e nell’indifferenza totale all the forks .. also "red"!
Tuesday, May 18 so it was the Committees on Nembro, where only the Workers 'Network was there to tell workers not to give in to occupy the factory, because you can not share the work with a little' cash and some incentive Plus .... It 'the same film seen in the company of the Gres Sorisole, the Triumph of Trescore, the Lift and Cone, with a more tortuous path, yet the Frattini Seriate. Next victim: the New Pansac Zingonia and the already devastated Donora. The owners know the point of falling. Shoot up (mobility) to the CIGS and incentives in exchange for the dismantling and / or dismissal.

Unions are fake, fights shy, and then say that the possible has been done, so that more of you could not get that down or accept the package or not there are even cash and incentives .... So, after the De Profundis, he buries the dead.

No one would dream of connecting the realities of fighting on the platforms, including territorial, to mobilize the workers do not really giving respite to their masters and the "Authority", involving the population with campaigns pressing for information and aggregate! No shortage of resources (the CGIL has the Budget in surplus), it lacks the political will. That which is placed the other side of the fence ....

The Net Workers throughout the province intends to denounce this situation of deterioration and collusion between political authorities, business associations, trade unions, political parties, which will result in the devastation and social insecurity and a future of widespread for us and the new generations.

Who's is complicit. But even those who keep silent are complicit. The Network calls Workers

all comrades, all the forces of genuine class, not to bend your head, but to work actively to respond to the dismantling of employment in the province, creating opportunities for discussion and organization that can give a clear signal that, for us, NON TUTTO E’ ANCORA PERDUTO !!!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

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Mititei (beef sausage spiced and grilled)


- 500 g meat minced beef well
- 250 gr minced pork very well
- 500 grams of cow bone soup
- 8 oz fresh ground pepper
- 12 gr savory / San Giuliano dry grass and very good ground
- 4 oz pepper
good ground - ground coriander 2 good
gr - 2 oz ground cumin
good - good ground star anise 1 oz
- 8 grams of sodium bicarbonate
1 teaspoon lemon juice - 1 tablespoon oil
- 1 bulb of '
garlic - salt
- oregano


The meat is mixed for one hour in front with the baking soda and lemon juice, half of the broth and seasonings bones
less garlic. The rest of broth is added slowly, slowly. Mix the ingredients
slamming the meat in the bowl.
then cover the dough and leave in the fridge for a day and a night.

The garlic is mixed with very little hot water and pour it into a piece of fabric, which is crushed with
in the flesh. It
amalgam of new and leave until the following day.

Take the meat condiment from the fridge and leave out a couple of hours before you grill.

mititei prepare the length of a finger and as thick as two fingers, brushed them with oil and grilled
turning 3 times.
The focus should not be too low because the mititei perderrano too much of their juice, so the result should be
: grilled on the outside and juicy inside, but not raw.

Serve with fresh rolls and mustard or salt and pepper to taste, and of course beer.

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Ingredients: 2 tablespoons minced shallot

pepper 2 tablespoons finely chopped 30 g butter

seeded peeled tomatoes 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt


1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper
sliced \u200b\u200b1 cup dry wine 1 tablespoon lemon juice

baked Time: 40 minutes


Rosolare per 3 minuti 2 cucchiai di scalogno tritato e 2 cucchiai di peperone tritato in 30 gr di burro. Unirvi 1 pomodoro pelato e privato dei semi e 1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato. Salare, pepare e con questo composto farcire il pesce pulito e sviscerato. Porre il pesce farcito in una teglia da forno imburrata, porvi accanto 1 cipolla tritata e 1 peperone verde affettato, bagnare con 1 bicchierino di vino secco e 1 cucchiaio di succo di limone. Cuocere per 40 minuti in forno già caldo a 180 gradi.

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Stuffed Appetizer Caviar


250 gr caviale di salmone
50 gr mollica fresca di pane
2 cucchiai latte
6 cucchiai olio d’oliva
2 limoni
prezzemolo (per garnish) 4 boiled eggs

Toast hot
Black Olives Vodka


Soak the bread crumbs with milk and then squeeze it. Then mix the caviar with the soft wire such as adding oil to make a mayonnaise and lemon juice. Serve the sauce over sliced \u200b\u200bboiled eggs, toast with hot, black olives and vodka, to give a touch of color put parsley on it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Walnut cake with chocolate Romanian Eggplant Meatballs

Ingredients: 120 gr


flour 6 eggs 300 g sugar 100 g dark chocolate

125 gr butter 150 gr walnuts

milk 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons rum
a velo


In una terrina, si sbattono i tuorli d’uovo con metà dello zucchero; s’incorporano alla crema il cioccolato grattugiato, gli albumi montati a neve e la farina. Si versa il composto in uno stampo imburrato e si cuoce in forno preriscaldato a 180 gr per circa 30 minuti.
Nel frattempo si tritano le noci, e si aggiunge il latte e il burro mescolato con il resto dello zucchero. Si mescolano vigorosamente tutti gli ingredienti anche con il rum. A cottura ultima si lascia freddare la torta, si taglia a metà e si farcisce con la crema. Si cosparge in superficie con lo zucchero a velo.

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6 melanzane

2 eggs 3 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 pinch oregano

1 slice bread soaked in milk 2 tablespoons flour

3 tablespoons olive oil 1 handful chopped pine nuts 1 handful raisins

Ingredients for the sauce: 500

gr fresh tomatoes 1 onion 1 tablespoon parsley

Basil Olive oil Salt



They wash the eggplant, roast it on medium heat and remove the skin.
You put the meat well cooked in a dish and flatten with a fork. Put the pulp into a bowl and add the squeezed bread, beaten egg, pine nuts, raisins, una parte della farina, il prezzemolo, l’origano in polvere e poco olio. Ricavate le polpette, si passano nella farina rimanente e si friggono nell’olio. Si prepara la salsa: si taglia la cipolla in cubetti piccoli e si frigge a fuoco medio, fra tempo si tagliano i pomodori a cubetti e si mettono con tutti li aromi a friggere con la cipolla per pochi minuti. Quando tutto è pronto, le polpette di melanzane si mettono in un tegame, è si versa sopra la salsa lasciandole andare per alcuni minuti, a fuoco moderato.
Buon appetito!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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Cod - Seafood Stuffed


2 cucchiai scalogno tritato
2 cucchiai peperone tritato
30 gr burro
1 pomodoro pelato privato
seeds 1 tbsp chopped parsley Salt


1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper, sliced \u200b\u200b1 cup dry wine

1 tablespoon lemon juice


Sauté for 3 minutes 2 tablespoons minced shallots and 2 tablespoons crushed red pepper in 30 grams of butter. Join 1 tomato, peeled and seeded and chopped 1 tablespoon parsley. Season with salt and pepper with the mixture arcire cleaned and gutted fish. Place the stuffed fish in a buttered baking sheet, put next to a chopped onion and sliced \u200b\u200b1 green pepper, sprinkle with 1 cup of dry wine and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 gr.

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Cornulete - Easter sweets typical

pastry: 500 gr. flour, 100gr. of sugar, half a bag of yeast, one egg, 100 gr. of butter.
Cream: 200 gr. of nuts, an egg white until stiff, a packet of cocoa powder, 50 gr. cream, a teaspoon of essence of rum.

Mix all the ingredients for the pastry. Roll out the dough with a half a centimeter thick and cut into squares of about six inches square. Mix all the ingredients for the cream and put up about half a tablespoon each square. Roll-shaped horn, put on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. When are cooled, place them in a tray and sprinkle with vanilla sugar.

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Ghiveci de miel-lamb ragout

Ingredients: (serves 6)
1 kg of meat of lamb (shoulder or otherwise),
15 cl of sunflower oil (or vegetable oil), 250 g green peppers
250 grams of eggplant, zucchini
250 grams, 250 grams of onions
200 grams of green beans, 10 grams of
250 g tomatoes, pepper
salt, paprika

Time cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Preparation: Cut the meat into large dice, fry briskly in olive oil very hot, and then metterla in disparte.Preparare intanto le melanzane e le zucchine, pelandole e ritagliandole in dadeti di 2 cm circa di lato.Affettare i peperoni e tagliare i fagiolini in pezzi lunghi 2 cm.
Gettare tutti i legumi in olio bollente, ad eccezione dei pomodori, facendoveli rosolare fortemente.Tranciare intanto i pomodori in quarti e tenerli in disparte.Preparare, in un recipiente dai bordi alti, leggermente imburrato, vari strati di legumi, carne e pomodori.Salare, insaporire con pepe e con molta paprica.Chiudere ermeticamente con il coperchio e lasciare sobbollire in forno , a calore moderato, senza più bagnare.Servire il ragù d’agnello nello stesso recipiente in cui è stato cotto.

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Piftie - gelatine pork pie

Piftie - Romanian recipe for Christmas and New Year
Ingredients: Pork
2 feet, pig ears or
1 / 2 pig's head
a piece of pork
1-2 bay leaves, carrots

salt 2-3 cloves crushed garlic

parsley Method: Boil
parts of the pig in the water (doubles as the height of the meat in the pot) until the water is to put flesh and falls down by itself 'bone. You can also boil for hours (5-6). Water must not be salty because it evaporates and the resulting broth is salty trope. In the last hours of boiling you add 1-2 bay leaves, 1-2 carrots and salt glove just fine. You put in the broth 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic and then the broth is made to filter a few times. In small bowl you put the pieces of meat, sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots and fresh leaves of parsley and then you add the broth. It is left to rest without touching for a night on the terrace or in an unheated room. It must not freeze. If the soup is too fat is left in engine cooling a can and then removing the fat on, it warms again and add the broth over the carne.Quando uses rotating the bowl in the plate.

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a hell of a kilo
about 150 gr.

bacon soup 1 kg. 1 cup potato

75 grams of milk.

butter 2 eggs salt pepper

nutmeg Preparation:
Boil the cabbage for 10 minutes, drain and then chop it coarsely to braise in a pan with the chopped bacon and fried. Moisten with broth, then season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and bake on low heat for 10 minutes. Put the cabbage stew in a baking dish and cover with buttered mashed potatoes prepared with 1 kg. of boiled potatoes, hot milk, butter, salt and 2 egg yolks. Bake for 20 minutes in oven at 150 degrees.

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Cozonac potatoes and cabbage - the dove

The traditional dessert for Christmas and Easter.


1. To pasta:
- 1 kg. flour;
- 4 eggs;
- 1 teaspoon salt;
- 200 gr. sugar;
- 40 gr. yeast
- 200 ml. seed oil or 200 gr. butter;
- about 250 ml. milk;
- 1 vial rum aroma

2. For the filling:
- 250 gr. chopped nuts;
- 20 gr. cocoa;
- 150 gr. sugar;
- 100 gr. raisins;
- 100 ml. alchermes or other sweet liqueur x;
- 100 ml.
milk - 200 gr. candied fruit.

Cooking time: 50 min.


Put the flour in a large bowl and the center gets the yeast dissolved in a cup with a teaspoon of sugar, beaten eggs with salt and sugar and finally the flavor.
how to work the dough and add a can at a time up to the warm milk, when he took all the flour. The resulting paste is starting to work add the melted butter or a can at a time until dough is elastic, which has absorbed all the butter.
It puts the heat and cover to rise for 1 hour - 1 hour and a half.

The filling is made by mixing the nuts with a cream made from sugar, cocoa, where the liquor was put to soak the raisins overnight and milk.
You add the raisins and candied fruit. The filling should not be liquid, milk and liqueur and mix only serves to soften the nut.
one kilo of flour you should get 1.8 kg. of dough. You should get two in the panettone molds plumcake those of 30 cm in length plus a little more.
It thus takes a piece of dough 350 gr. and stretches a rectangle. On one side lies a long strip of about 4 cm of stuffing and then begins to roll from the side with the filling and close the ends well. Then the 2 rolls they turn on each other and put in buttered mold it still leaves a rise in a warm place for one hour. Then you put in the oven at 175 degrees for 50 minutes. It is proof of the toothpick into the mold and allow to cool for 10 minutes then placed on a wooden board or cloth to cool down completely.
Cut into slices when cold.

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Romanian Ciorba de Burt, Romanian tripe

In Romania, as in most Eastern European countries, the first course is soup or soup, and one of the most popular is "Ciorba de Burt," in other words, the soup with tripe.

Ingredients for 4 people: 300 gr

tripe 300 g of calf bone with the cartilage (or 300 grams of meat broth)
Flavours for the soup (celery, carrot, onion).
1 celery stalk celery 1

3 carrots 1 onion 2 cloves garlic

parsley 3 tablespoons olive oil
100 ml di panna fresca (acida)
1 uovo

Tempo di cottura:40 min.


Preparate il brodo con le ossa (o la carne) e gli aromi.
Lavate la trippa e tagliatela a pezzetti. Preparate un trito di sedano, carota, aglio , prezzemolo e cipolla e mettetelo a soffriggere con l’olio in un tegame. Dopo una decina di minuti, aggiungete la trippa, salate, unite il peperoncino tritato e fate insaporire per altri cinque minuti, poi aggiungete il brodo. Durante gli ultimi quaranta minuti di cottura aggiungete 2 carote e il cuore di sedano tagliati a rondelle. A fine cottura unite panna fresca,prezzemolo tritato, 1 uovo sbattuto e un può d’aceto. Serve with fresh pepper and slices of toasted bread.

Monday, June 14, 2010

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Bulzi - balls of polenta Romania

Bulzi are balls of polenta Romania ("mamaliga" èprep that plowed into a cast iron pot called "ceaun") stuffed with cheese and baked or cooked on the grill or on the plate. It 's a dish of pastors. First you prepare the polenta is ready when it is poured, cut into pieces and each piece is filled with cheese. They are formed into balls that are cooked on the grill or cooked in the oven, sprinkled with butter and / or cheese and served with or without sour cream or yogurt.

Ingredients for the polenta:

300 gr corn flour

1200 ml water 1 / 2 teaspoon coarse salt

Ingredients for filling:

150-200 g smoked

50-60 g 150-200 g parmesan cheese butter

1. Prepare the polenta: putting the water to boil, add salt when water begins to boil after the corn flour and wiping rain and mixing with a spoon or a wooden stick or you can add all the cornmeal in a single movement and mix well to do the lumps.
You must stir often while the polenta is cooking over very low heat for 40 minutes. The polenta should be thick. Pour and let cool down until when you can tap with your hand and can form the balls.

2. Divide il formaggio in parti uguali ( si possono usare più tipi di foramaggio mescolati tra loro con burro ).

3. Formate le palle e cuocetele sulla griglia, piastra o infornatele. Mettete il burro a cubetti in una teglia da forno, lasciate 1-2 minui nel forno molto caldo alla temperatura massima e quando il burro è sciolto aggiungete le palle di polenta ripiena. Lasciate cuocere 15-20 minuti o di più nel formo molto caldo.

Servite calde con formaggio grattugiato con o senza yogurt o panna acida.

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"MUSAC" potatoes with the meat

per 6-8 porzioni :
E' un piatto unico, della domenica "cugino" the lasagna.

- 6 potatoes peeled and cut into slices (with a thickness of 5 mm) have been boiled in salted water for 10 minutes
- 1 / 2 long and 1 zucchini eggplant sliced \u200b\u200bthin and fried in the pan or on grill without oil, just a can of salt
- 400 gr minced beef
1 onion, chopped - 8 tablespoons of tomato pasata
- flavorings (salt, pepper, a pinch (1 / 4) teaspoon of cumin powder , 1 pinch (1 / 4) teaspoon of cinnamon powder
- a bechamel sauce (50 g butter, 50 grams flour, 500 ml milk, salt and a pinch of nutmeg
1 egg - 100 g cheese (grated Parmesan + caciotta diced little ones)

Preparation: You make

bolire the potatoes in salted water. Among
time you brown the meat in the pan with the onion and tomato sauce, salt, pepper, cumin and cinnamon near the end.

When the sauce is on fire, you put a grill, the eggplant and zucchini.

Prepare the bechamel sauce and when it is a warm can you put the beaten egg and cheese.
In a baking pan greased with oil can you put a layer of potatoes, eggplant and zucchini on a bed and then one of the last beschamela meat with egg and cheese.

Cooking time:

the oven for 30-45 minutes at medium heat.

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Sarmale - rolls in cabbage leaves

La ricetta più tradizionale della cucina rumena sono le "Sarmale",degli involtini di verza.


- 1 cavolo verza grande
- 700 gr carne trita mista (maiale e vitello)
- 6- 7 dadini di pancetta
- 1-2 uova
- 1 cipolla
- 1 carota
- aceto, olio
- 80 gr riso
- aromi (pepe, sale, prezzemolo tritato, strutto)
- qualche pomodoro maturo tagliato a pezzi
- concentrato di pomodoro
- mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco

Tempo di preparazione: 1 ora
Tempo di cottura: sul gas: 1 ora
al forno: 40 min.

Preparazione della verza:

you browse carefully savoy cabbage leaves and wash thoroughly.
to make it softer, you put water on the fire with a can of salt and vinegar, when the water boils, you cook the cabbage leaves, until one can become transparent and they drain.
takes off in the middle of the hard part, making sure that two become one leaf that can then be rolled up.
The leaves are cut waste listatoli and keep aside.
is held also by a large outer leaves (or two, depends on the width of your pot).

Preparing the filling:

Before you put a stew with a little oil, onion and carrot in a non-stick cast iron pot with lid, when the onion is shiny off the heat and add the uncooked rice and stir well, leave to cool. You add the ground meat (pork and beef), salt, pepper, tomato paste, parsley or dill, paprika, a tablespoon of lard and eggs and mix until everything becomes a paste.

Preparation of rolls:
Put the cabbage leaf in the palm of the hand and puts on a spoon or a teaspoon of filling may depend on the size of a sheet and then rolled up, it turns with the opening towards us, and pushes inward. Continue this process until the depletion of rolls.

In a crock pot you put a layer of thin strips of cabbage, a can of oil, a few slices of tomato and then, shipping, sarmale. In the middle of the circle and thus obtained over the layer of cabbage rolls you add more nuts and chopped tomatoes and bacon.
You add water almost to cover them, and a can of white wine. They let it boil over low heat for an hour, covered.
You taste the broth from time to time, to see if you still need to add salt.
When you feel that everything is well cooked, take the pot and place in a moderate oven for 40 min. (Always taking care that does not burn, and allow them to drain a can (the stock must remain at a minimum).
Serve with cream (acid) on top of polenta and a green chilli in vinegar and red wine.
Bon appetit!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nighttime Tingling Of Upper Legs

When the publicity is deserved ...

Last Friday was my birthday. My boyfriend came from Paris and I decided to take him to eat in the new restaurant the great chef Anthony Chiappini .
As usual, I ate very well! The dishes are small masterpieces of Antonio worth to try at least once in their lifetime. Try it!
If you want to know more, you will find a beautiful review by Antonella (with pictures of the dishes) here.

change the subject, but keeping in theme, a few days ago I attended a wonderful lecture organized by at the table with the chef "(the school where I attended i corsi professionali di cucina). La lezione era dedicata a noi foodbloggers e il docente era ovviamente lo chef Antonio Chiappini! Abbiamo fatto primi piatti della tradizione romana rivisitati, buonissimi e bellissimi.
Il menù?
- T onnarello cacio e pepe alle pere con spuma di carbonara affumicata
- Raviolo di patate ripieno di pecorino alle vinacce con matricianella all'aceto balsamico
- Bucatino alla gricia con carciofi alla romana e chips di pecorino
- Tortello verde alla ricotta con sugo di coda alla vaccinara e porcini

Walk a little and take a look here and here ... understand the extent to which the lesson was great!

benefited from the course I got to know:

and then there was, of course, my friend Barbara !

All wonderful blog, congratulations!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dismissal Vs Expungement California

Spaghetti al pesto with pistachios and pine nuts with pumpkin flowers, green beans and ricotta salata

With the summer I pretty much moved to the country. The lawn, fields and more distant the sea ... What more could I want? Only an internet connection. In fact, for now, "nada de nada" and I have to neglect the blog that caspiterina, I miss very much. Of course, to be a little more consistent with the "mulberry" I might as well give up the roses, the collection of vegetables, the infinite horizon, the air a little more decent of the Roman, to dinners in the garden and sunsets over the sea. But do not talk so! Sooner or later, will make it with a stick :-)

Per farmi perdonare le mie ripetute assenze vi propongo un primo piatto che è nato ieri sera, per caso.  
Si sa che fagiolini e pesto si sposano a meraviglia, tanto da farli diventare una delle ricette più incredibili, meravigliose e famose della cucina italiana (ovviamente parlo delle trenette al pesto  genovese). Ma che succede se oltre ai fagiolini mettiamo i fiori di zucca e se al pesto tradizionale uniamo i pistacchi di Bronte e all'ultimo aggiungiamo una grattata di ricotta salata? Succede che esce fuori questo piatto:

Gli spaghetti al pesto di pistacchi e pinoli with squash blossoms, green beans and ricotta salata

Prepare pesto (preferably in a mortar or in blender) with a nice fresh bunch of basil and fragrant, a handful of pine nuts, a handful of pistachios , a teaspoon of dough pistachios (optional), a clove of garlic private soul (I put only half), a teaspoon of grated parmesan , salt and plenty of extra virgin olive oil . Keep aside.
Wash and trim the green beans (small ones are ideal. In this time of year, then, are crazy!) And cook in boiling salted water *. Al dente Drain and plunge into ice water to prevent continuing to cook. Meanwhile the clean zucchini flowers, remove them and cut the pistil as you like (I cut it lengthwise into four). Sauté quickly in a pan with a little olive oil and a clove of garlic poached, salt and set aside.
Cook the pasta in salted boiling water, drain underdone and ripassatela quickly with flowers and green beans. Season with pesto, ricotta salata e servite il prima possibile!

* potete cuocere i fagiolini assieme alla pasta.