Saturday, November 13, 2010

Operation Repo Watch Free


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Large Curvy Women In Tight

Solidarietà ai Compagni del COLLETTIVO RISCOSSA

On October 30, 2010

the evening of October 30 companions of the collective Rescue of Catanzaro have been assaulted by a group of fascists.

A companion was injured with a stab, a hospital prognosis than thirty days.
Rescue Collective's statement more or less explains the dynamics of what happened:

The Rescue Collective intends to rebuild and bring clarity to what happened last Saturday, October 30 in adjacency della nostra sede, luogo in cui si sono verificate due vili aggressioni fasciste con il conseguente tentato omicidio di un nostro compagno. Era in corso un'iniziativa pubblica per la presentazione di una rivista di controinformazione. Intorno alle 21.30 abbiamo notato dalla finestra un gruppetto di fascisti che ha iniziato a provocarci con cori, insulti e minacce. Alle nostre rimostranze verbali il gruppetto fascista ha iniziato ad avvicinarsi, scagliando un mattone verso una finestra, dietro la quale si trovavano due ragazze facilmente visibili dall'esterno, rompendone pericolosamente i vetri. L'aggressione è continuata con il tentativo, fallito, di assaltare i locali della nostra sede. Nonostante l'accaduto, una volta dileguatisi i fascisti, si è deciso di portare a termine l'iniziativa prevista. Trascorse circa un paio d'ore però, abbiamo notato che nuovamente, il gruppo di fascisti, questa volta più numeroso, si stava avvicinando minacciosamente all'ingresso della nostra sede. Siamo usciti dicendo loro di allontanarsi anche per non arrecare ulteriore disturbo alle famiglie del vicinato. Al che è seguita una nuova aggressione nel corso della quale uno dei componenti del gruppo ha estratto dalla tasca un coltello e con estrema lucidità e determinazione ha colpito il nostro compagno con due fendenti alla schiena. Quanto verificatosi è stato tanto repentino quanto premeditato, tant'è che subito dopo il vile gesto, il gruppo, ricompattatosi, ha iniziato to leave immediately. We immediately took our friend to the emergency room. Once there we were bombarded by questions from police, who instead of identifying the attackers, identified the attacked! After that, the same police decided to search our site looking for "weapons and explosives," search that ended with the seizure of a small old rusty scythe now, we have preserved as a symbol of tradition and struggles of movement of workers and peasants. And even in this case, instead of looking elsewhere that the blade had hurt our partner, their focus was on that old farm tools to which we also were charged with "illegal possession of weapon." The search lasted about two hours. Soon after we were forcibly transferred to the police station for "questioning" or better to make summary information, which lasted almost until 8 o'clock in the morning. Our friend was stabbed in emergency surgery for serious wounds, wounds that just a lucky chance, did not have irreversible consequences. It is no longer acceptable that such incidents might be considered simple Saturday night brawls or gang wars. Recall that the fascists in the city have claimed numerous attacks in recent years, resulted in violence and intolerance race and politics, still remained unpunished for the silence of the institutions. We therefore call on all nationals to be vigilant and to mobilize to prevent such despicable and serious incidents will no longer have to repeat itself.


Collective Rescue Catanzaro

Friday, November 5, 2010

Doujinshi Dragon Blood


On May the police in Naples allows a group of fascists to approach the procession parades, staging provocations and threats.
mates react allontanandoli.Uno fascists took refuge in a shop, where a fight breaks out and comes up with the cuts.
Months later the police arrested two people, one of them is Toni and fellow brother of us all.
We do not care to judge the work of his companions. We are interested in understanding the dynamics of the event before you choose which side. We do not conduct
indagini.Una thing is certain: toni is in jail for what it represents. For having been in the forefront in the struggle Environmental Antifascist or against repression. Conscious and innocent are categories that do not belong to us.
(From the manifesto TONINO FREE You'll Never Walk Alone)

Free all and all those who have been imprisoned by the enemy ingiustizia.Occorre give full solidarity with the comrades that we rise each day with their repression, release them through the daily struggle and organization rivoluzionaria.Solisarietà to all @ @ @ Reclus.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Difference Between Emu & Emu Ridge


Friday, October 22, 2010

Sony Sr200p Region Help


For people murdered by the state and its assassins is not enough mourning!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mcculloch Weed Wacker

LIBRO CONSIGLIATO - Dino Erba: Ottobre 1917 - Wall Street 1929

In the early twenties, rose communist radical tendencies that first criticized, then they tried to thwart the decisions of the international communist movement, driven by the ebb of the October Revolution, and more and more 'submissive to Soviet government.
Since its first steps, he distinguished the Italian Left. Its militants, forced into exile, came to know other critical voices.
From this comparison, in 1927, constitute 'the group led by Michael Pappalardi, who had as references to the Dutch-German Left, especially the group of Karl Korsch, and the Left Russian Gavril Mjasnikov. The activity 'group ended within a few years, from 1927 to 1931. But they were decisive years in which the long wave Russian was running out of October, proved powerless to deal with a crisis of profound scope, such as the collapse of Wall Street, with implications that precede and accompany it: fascism, and Keynesianism war. The consequences of which, in the clash of class, are now urgent topicality '.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Offroad Buggys America


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Facial Expressions Newborn



It is not the first time that we students descend on the streets, the streets and protest against a reform, it has been for the Moratti reform first, then with Fioroni and finally against the Gelmini and his new creation.
A reform that we immediately denounced by defining it as a further attack on the world of education that aims to improve the implementation of previous reforms that aim to build a perfect business school (the massive introduction of internships are a demonstration, many boys working for free for a piece of paper called a curriculum ...)

the first to pay the hard way:

The effects of these maneuvers affected the precarious and school staff ATA last year alone suffered more than 15,000 layoffs, but not over, if they envisage as many for the current year.

Add to this the introduction of the duct 5 (excellent weapon in the hands of those who have the task of indoctrination), the upper limit of 50 days of absence, debts and repair tests, the ever-present specter of expensive books, construction cost the lives of a poor boy in Turin two years ago. (While the school collapsed, the Italian Government financed with public money to purchase fighter bombers for a war that is not ours)

new generation of insurgents:

Think you can not see scuola come un isola a sè nella quale noi studenti viviamo senza considerare anche ciò che accade fuori da essa.
Viviamo tempi difficili, la crisi che sta attraversando tutto il mondo, colpisce le classi più deboli da nord a sud, da est ad ovest senza distinzioni di sesso, razze o di Stati. Non passa giorno nel quale non ci siano mobilitazioni contro la crisi dei padroni in tutta Europa. In Grecia questo sentimento di ribellione alle redini delle istituzioni e della classe dirigente è stato ed è rivendicato con i fatti.
E' la dimostrazione che possiamo rialzare la testa: organizzarsi è un primo passo per lottare concretamente contro le infamie di questo sistema.
Non ci interessa difendere la scuola in quanto istituzione che aims to train future productive force, it retains its character in whatever any government, of whatever color.

We are interested in defending the school who works there, and those forced to stay there as the students.

be against this reform also means being against the system that created it with his own representatives who continue to deceive us with their promises.
The only form of struggle that we want is to own, outside the electoral circus, outside of unions, politicians and representatives away from the quiet life.


8/10/2010 Concentramento ore 9 P.zza Caricamento gENOVA


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cigarette Lighter Remove And Replace

Nuclei Studenteschi Rivoluzionari 2010-2011 Manifesto

Nuclei Studenteschi Rivoluzionari Genova e Milano.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Do More Men Like Big Tits Or Small


Quando gli Ultrà urlano negli stadi e nelle curve, i politicanti e mercenari dello stato dovrebbero tremare perchè si è visto che i tifosi rispettano sempre la parola data: CI TOGLIETE GLI STADI CI TROVERETE NELLE STRADE! E così è stato a Bergamo: Gli Ultrà hanno dato vita ad un conflitto con le forze "pubbliche", Gli Ultrà vogliono sostenere la loro squadra che amano e che rischiano di vedersene privare per non accettare gli atti autoritari della bieca e indegna casta dirigente ,vogliono tenere sotto controllo tutte-i e per speculare, reprimere una tradizione,un'amore e una passione.
Solidali con chi non vuole obbedir tacendo!


La tessera del tifoso è un programma di "fidelizzazione" varato nel 2008 dall'Osservatorio Nazionale sulle Manifestazione Sportive (organo del Ministero degli Interni). Nel 2009 il Ministro della Lega Nord e dell'attuale governo, Roberto Maroni, attraverso una circolare (badate bene: NON una LEGGE!) rivolta a questure e prefetture di tutta Italia ha invitato a sollecitare i club alla sottoscrizione della nuova
fidelity card entro l'inizio della stagione 2009/10 (Un ricatto vero e proprio... poiché in caso contrario le squadre rischierebbero di giocare a porte chiuse le proprie partite per... CARENZE STRUTTURALI!). Questa la breve storia "legislativa" the card, but we need to go into detail to understand the real economic interests that lie behind this repressive measure.

Calcium is the fifth "holding" the Italian around it, in fact, revolve a series of economic, political and advertising , exorbitant. For this reason, represents a cornerstone of the "system" Italian capitalist, does not cover the most passionate football fan, but as simple as "customer", not a case definition was coined by Sergio Cragnotti, former president of Lazio, Quote for the first time held a team of Seria A, followed by Roma and Juventus.

The card is the daughter of a fan of this passage. Antonio Manganelli, the current police chief, has openly declared a year ago, " The card was created historically for marketing reasons, because we are moving towards the privatization of the stadiums. The football club are among the few companies for profit that do not yet know their customers . How can the card be functional for this purpose? Simple, is designed as a real credit card rechargeable. For this, a number of economic and financial groups. Moreover, unlike the subscription (which you subscribe for one season), its value is five WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY termination, thus ensuring at least five years, customers companies mentioned. It is no coincidence that Intesa-San Paolo has produced cards of Milan (more than 120 thousand signatures in 2 years) and Fiorentina, and the Italian Post Office or Visa for Lazio and Lis-Lottomatica Roma and Palermo. Take the example of Millenovecento, the card of a fan of Lazio: even traveling on a double circuit, credit card and MasterCard card rechargeable Italian Post Office. For this reason, buying and spending by card fans, you only the play between these groups.

Moreover fidelity card have an internal microchip RFID (Radio Frequency Identification ), an automatic identification system used for the remote location of animals or goods (a kind of GPS). In this case, however, is "passive" that is activated only by a player place a short distance (eg bank or turnstile of the stadium), but which allows you to monitor, track e raccogliere i dati su tutti i prodotti acquistati e sulle abitudini della persona. Per questo, le grandi aziende sono tra i fautori della tessera del tifoso, per avere indagini di mercato a costo zero, sapendo ogni dato del proprio "cliente". Non è un caso che già nel 2005 il garante della privacy avesse reso pubbliche perplessità su tale tecnologia.

La tessera del tifoso, e ciò deve far riflettere, è un’imposizione del governo (storicamente "diretto" da banche e grandi industrie) ai club, non una loro libera scelta, costituendo una strategia di incentivazione al consumo a 360°. Inoltre, alle fidelity card sono legate una serie di facilitazioni, privilegi e offerte per coloro i quali spendano o comprino di più o usino i servizi forniti da una società partner (il 30 luglio scorso è stato ufficializzato un accordo con Ferrovie dello Stato e Autogrill S.P.A. che prevede sconti e agevolazioni per i possessori della tessera del tifoso) a dimostrazione dell'operazione meramente commerciale che si cela dietro questo provvedimento.
Il "cliente" però non può farla fuori dal vaso... altrimenti che immagine offrirebbe agli sponsor! Che idea di ordine darebbe ai moralisti e ai politici! Lo stadio deve diventare una sorta di teatro, con gli spettatori seduti al loro posto, rispettosi delle regole e dei codici di comportamento, amanti dei loro presidenti, con il trasporto emotivo e canoro ridotto allo zero... emblema dunque di una società sopita senza il minimo barlume di ribellione! (esempio lampante il "tifo" da pop-corn in NBA).
La curva è storicamente un luogo di autodeterminazione, con regole e codici propri, motore unico del tifo, ma anche di contestazioni e di folklore... però un cittadino, much less a fan, in capitalist society can not think and act freely! For this reason, the card is issued only after receiving the Police Headquarters (your data will add ...), and kept in the operating system such as a passport and firearms, assuming that those who go to the stadium is a potential dangerous person and must be controlled at source. Accept that someone can tell if you have the requirements to enter a stadium, a cinema, an event in a bar or indulge in a restaurant means the death of freedom. Paradoxical is the fact that according to the principles that govern the fidelity card , a rapist or a killer are eligible to enter into an appropriate stage with respect to a guy distrusted for having climbed a glass wall. The permission of the police requires a different problem, the filing of mass. Under the pretext of authorization to enter into a sports facility, the police will monitor the thread and mark your lives, your policy guidelines, your criminal record, your friendships, opening new files with all the consequences of If ...
Who signs the card will have the "privilege" of access to the area for guests, travel, provided that the National Observatory on Sports Events does not close the same, as was the case for Genoa-Milan of the season 2009-10. In other cases, the holders of not fidelity card can still buy paper tickets for the other sectors, thereby making it possible mixed with opposition fans causing tensions. This will exacerbate the violence rather than defeat it!
Now, the answer to perhaps the most obvious: those who can not sign the card's fan?
1. people currently undergoing DASPO (normally ranging from 1 to 5 years, undermining any legal basis as imposed while awaiting trial. One man potential innocent, as has often happened, may be removed from the stadiums for years, requiring a signature at the police station.)
2. condannanti those who have been through the criminal process, even in the first degree, for crimes stadium (note that is not put a time limit).
In the case of ' AS Roma Privilege Card is also a simple enough complaint from the stadium for not being able to subscribe. Moreover, in defiance of any law, who has served his sentence in the past (eg criminal conviction in 1990 for throwing a bottle), can not abbonarsi mai più, pagando di fatto la propria "colpa" per tutta la vita.
Infine, una nota di colore: per possedere la tessera del tifoso bisogna impegnarsi a rispettare le regole del “codice etico” (non insultare gli avversari, non stare in piedi, non tirare un fazzoletto ecc.) sottoscrivendo un apposito documento.
Le fidelity card sono perciò un palese esperimento repressivo e di controllo, da testare su una realtà ribelle e scomoda come quella ultras, per utilizzarlo poi più in là in altri ambiti della società civile. È inoltre uno squallido tentativo di corrompere una passione e farla diventare del tutto schiava degli interessi economici Per questo diciamo:

Rossa Gioventù

Monday, August 23, 2010

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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Muore il boia nazista, politico della DC, Francesco Kossiga: M andò le camionette di carabinieri contro gli studenti universitari e fu il mandante dell'uccisione da parte delle forze armate del compagno Lo Russo, militante di Lotta Continua, l'11 maggio 1977 e di quello di Giorgiana Masi del giorno dopo. E' stato esponente di spicco dei servizi segreti, stimato, dalla borghesia s'intende, per il suo noto anticomunismo e per le sue intuizioni nella strategia della tensione. Complice di stragi e legato a massoneria e terrorismo nero.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

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Esprimiamo our solidarity with the people Aquila today during a protest march against the government, which did absolutely nothing to rebuild the city and restore the home to L'Aquila and now also calls for the payment of fees and reimbursement of those you do not pay these months, has been charged by the servants of the state in a completely free and criminal. The

Aquilani wanted to reach the palace of government to have greater visibility and to make their voices heard correctly MPs but had no way to do it quickly because it came the repression.

years now that the workers are from all over the globe receive beatings and repression for many different reasons. The watchdogs of the masters without the slightest shame execute the order to attack and suppress any feelings of grief and dissension. The charges and arrests in recent years have come on all fronts, from the struggles for the environment and health to not die of cancer, the struggles of the unemployed, going to those students and workers, reaching even to those of the disabled.

The business committee of the bourgeoisie is clearly showing his face criminal thanks to the crisis of capital has accelerated all the contradictions existing in this busted system of production. Faced with the possibility of making profits, the owners have not looked at anyone, not even the dead have complied with Aquila, the people on speculation building died in the earthquake. They have no less celebrated for the incident since it envisaged the possibility to gain contracts and make speculations.

Faced with a face so fierce and barbaric shown by capital and its servants, the workers can not help but stop licking their wounds and put on the road of hard struggle and independent from political parties and the representatives of the bourgeoisie.

and extra-parliamentary groups of the bourgeoisie have no solution for the working class, everything that interests them, despite some obvious sympathy for the people of Aquila, is simply the catwalk election to grab a few sympathy votes, and then the next election.

A tutto questo i proletari aquilani devono rispondere con forza e determinazione avendo il coraggio di mandare via gli esponenti politici dalla loro vertenza di lotta.
Allo stesso tempo tutti i settori di scontenti d'Italia devono unificare le loro lotte per contrastare l'attacco feroce ai diritti portato avanti da Confindustria e dai suoi funzionari.

Unificare le lotte per vincere!

Collettivo Baruda

Welcome To Address The Guest

"Aperitivo Benefit spese legali"

comitato di lotta Quadraro


Monday, July 5, 2010

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The eggplant salad with mayonnaise - Salata de vinete cu maioneza

Vegetarian Recipe: Romanian
A sauce can be eaten spread on toasted bread,
for a dip with vegetables or to accompany grilled meats.

Ingredients: 4 aubergines

6 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 / 2 white onion, olive oil

salt Preparation:
Let the eggplants on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, with the holes in the prongs of a fork and put in the oven at 220C for approx 1 / 2 hour.
When they are cooked (they should be soft) to pull out and put them on a large cutting board.
Cut the tail and we raise the skin, put them in a pasta peel the eggplant to make sure that they leave for their juice cca 40 min.
then chop the eggplant, we get them, put the onion, cut into small cubes and a tablespoon of olive oil, and stir in the end everything with mayonnaise.

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semolina dumplings in broth - Supa de gris cu Galust

Cooking time: 10 min.

1 / 2 liter chicken broth for 6
semolina dumplings:

butter 1 egg
about 90 grams semolina

salt Preparation:
Before you put the chicken stock to boil.
You can whisk the egg with salt and then add the semolina little ... little, since that is a creamy but not too runny n'anche too hard .. like a batter. This is a test adding
composed of a bit of a spoon (the spoon should be dipped in butter) in boiling broth if it breaks you add more semolina.
It lowers the flame and put the dumplings one at a time with a spoon that first we have bathed in butter, so the mixture comes off the spoon and falls into the pot.
When we put all the dumplings, leave for 10 min. boil it, always a very low heat and cover but not all of the pot with a lid. Eventually they turn slowly
and gnocchi are ready when you take it with the paddle
drilled and put into the pot, then pour over the hot broth.

Monday, June 28, 2010

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Comunicato Rete Operaia Valseriana


La Rete Operaia Valseriana was established in September last year by the common understanding of the companions of varying membership, but placed on classist and internationalist positions, they have set themselves the task of organizing, even on our soil, the working-class resistance to the wave of layoffs and job insecurity triggered by the world crisis of capitalism.
For now we have seen very little on the side of workers' struggles. That might seem a paradox, given the tremendous impact that this crisis has had, has and still will have on employment levels, wages, the most general living conditions.
So let us ask ourselves why, in fact why.
We also, now, the tare grounds of "objective" historians of these areas, as we know, pay the duty of a mentality that "work", "proprietary", Catholic, believes that "sacred" property, and the sacred duty of the employee sottomettervisi.
said that, however, the jobs go to hell and everyone understands it. So much so that there are reactions "hot" to the bosses announcing closures, layoffs, etc..
The problem at this point, then moves on the ground of what are they and what do the unions and parties of the "left" who say strate by the employees, or, better to say "work" (So \u200b\u200bthey think they seize the most votes from all ...).
The ICFTU has become an organic part of the project owner to "start afresh" with less busy and a mass of precarious employment. The strength of this union is the plain speaking. They are with employers and with governments and .... Signatory to all! In this dish out, rightly, the stale processions, so dear to the CGIL, the classic scioperetto General every six months. In fact: what's the point?
The CGIL, the biggest (not great) Italian trade union, is more sensitive to whether or not the "friendly government". When there are signs all over the latter also (see pension), which compares governs the right to do some "opposition", which, however, not to endanger the return of "our" in command, is essentially a facade. The same
FIOM, sponsoring a motion, "alternative" to the recent National Congress of the CGIL, is bombastic proclamations of mobilization at the national level, but shamefully in the territories is queued to the FIM, signing volleys of layoffs. How can they resist
workers decently when they are led by unions that have a scale of "values" typically bourgeois? Type: The property is sacred and we must do within a strict legal struggles and respect for the "civil society"; non bisogna intaccare la “coesione sociale” e la legittimità delle Istituzioni; bisogna “limitare i danni” e sperare che i padroni capiscano l’utilità di investire qui in Italia ;e cose del genere….
E come possono i lavoratori sperare in partiti “di sinistra” che hanno perso ogni serio riferimento di classe, che si fanno vivi solo sotto le elezioni, che credono che il Parlamento sia l’ombelico del mondo, che cercano solo poltrone, che non vogliono rischiare i loro “posticini” per nessuna cosa al mondo…?

I risultati di questa deriva li vediamo quotidianamente : aziende che licenziano col benestare dei sindacati e nell’indifferenza totale all the forks .. also "red"!
Tuesday, May 18 so it was the Committees on Nembro, where only the Workers 'Network was there to tell workers not to give in to occupy the factory, because you can not share the work with a little' cash and some incentive Plus .... It 'the same film seen in the company of the Gres Sorisole, the Triumph of Trescore, the Lift and Cone, with a more tortuous path, yet the Frattini Seriate. Next victim: the New Pansac Zingonia and the already devastated Donora. The owners know the point of falling. Shoot up (mobility) to the CIGS and incentives in exchange for the dismantling and / or dismissal.

Unions are fake, fights shy, and then say that the possible has been done, so that more of you could not get that down or accept the package or not there are even cash and incentives .... So, after the De Profundis, he buries the dead.

No one would dream of connecting the realities of fighting on the platforms, including territorial, to mobilize the workers do not really giving respite to their masters and the "Authority", involving the population with campaigns pressing for information and aggregate! No shortage of resources (the CGIL has the Budget in surplus), it lacks the political will. That which is placed the other side of the fence ....

The Net Workers throughout the province intends to denounce this situation of deterioration and collusion between political authorities, business associations, trade unions, political parties, which will result in the devastation and social insecurity and a future of widespread for us and the new generations.

Who's is complicit. But even those who keep silent are complicit. The Network calls Workers

all comrades, all the forces of genuine class, not to bend your head, but to work actively to respond to the dismantling of employment in the province, creating opportunities for discussion and organization that can give a clear signal that, for us, NON TUTTO E’ ANCORA PERDUTO !!!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

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Mititei (beef sausage spiced and grilled)


- 500 g meat minced beef well
- 250 gr minced pork very well
- 500 grams of cow bone soup
- 8 oz fresh ground pepper
- 12 gr savory / San Giuliano dry grass and very good ground
- 4 oz pepper
good ground - ground coriander 2 good
gr - 2 oz ground cumin
good - good ground star anise 1 oz
- 8 grams of sodium bicarbonate
1 teaspoon lemon juice - 1 tablespoon oil
- 1 bulb of '
garlic - salt
- oregano


The meat is mixed for one hour in front with the baking soda and lemon juice, half of the broth and seasonings bones
less garlic. The rest of broth is added slowly, slowly. Mix the ingredients
slamming the meat in the bowl.
then cover the dough and leave in the fridge for a day and a night.

The garlic is mixed with very little hot water and pour it into a piece of fabric, which is crushed with
in the flesh. It
amalgam of new and leave until the following day.

Take the meat condiment from the fridge and leave out a couple of hours before you grill.

mititei prepare the length of a finger and as thick as two fingers, brushed them with oil and grilled
turning 3 times.
The focus should not be too low because the mititei perderrano too much of their juice, so the result should be
: grilled on the outside and juicy inside, but not raw.

Serve with fresh rolls and mustard or salt and pepper to taste, and of course beer.

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Ingredients: 2 tablespoons minced shallot

pepper 2 tablespoons finely chopped 30 g butter

seeded peeled tomatoes 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt


1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper
sliced \u200b\u200b1 cup dry wine 1 tablespoon lemon juice

baked Time: 40 minutes


Rosolare per 3 minuti 2 cucchiai di scalogno tritato e 2 cucchiai di peperone tritato in 30 gr di burro. Unirvi 1 pomodoro pelato e privato dei semi e 1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato. Salare, pepare e con questo composto farcire il pesce pulito e sviscerato. Porre il pesce farcito in una teglia da forno imburrata, porvi accanto 1 cipolla tritata e 1 peperone verde affettato, bagnare con 1 bicchierino di vino secco e 1 cucchiaio di succo di limone. Cuocere per 40 minuti in forno già caldo a 180 gradi.

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Stuffed Appetizer Caviar


250 gr caviale di salmone
50 gr mollica fresca di pane
2 cucchiai latte
6 cucchiai olio d’oliva
2 limoni
prezzemolo (per garnish) 4 boiled eggs

Toast hot
Black Olives Vodka


Soak the bread crumbs with milk and then squeeze it. Then mix the caviar with the soft wire such as adding oil to make a mayonnaise and lemon juice. Serve the sauce over sliced \u200b\u200bboiled eggs, toast with hot, black olives and vodka, to give a touch of color put parsley on it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Walnut cake with chocolate Romanian Eggplant Meatballs

Ingredients: 120 gr


flour 6 eggs 300 g sugar 100 g dark chocolate

125 gr butter 150 gr walnuts

milk 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons rum
a velo


In una terrina, si sbattono i tuorli d’uovo con metà dello zucchero; s’incorporano alla crema il cioccolato grattugiato, gli albumi montati a neve e la farina. Si versa il composto in uno stampo imburrato e si cuoce in forno preriscaldato a 180 gr per circa 30 minuti.
Nel frattempo si tritano le noci, e si aggiunge il latte e il burro mescolato con il resto dello zucchero. Si mescolano vigorosamente tutti gli ingredienti anche con il rum. A cottura ultima si lascia freddare la torta, si taglia a metà e si farcisce con la crema. Si cosparge in superficie con lo zucchero a velo.

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6 melanzane

2 eggs 3 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 pinch oregano

1 slice bread soaked in milk 2 tablespoons flour

3 tablespoons olive oil 1 handful chopped pine nuts 1 handful raisins

Ingredients for the sauce: 500

gr fresh tomatoes 1 onion 1 tablespoon parsley

Basil Olive oil Salt



They wash the eggplant, roast it on medium heat and remove the skin.
You put the meat well cooked in a dish and flatten with a fork. Put the pulp into a bowl and add the squeezed bread, beaten egg, pine nuts, raisins, una parte della farina, il prezzemolo, l’origano in polvere e poco olio. Ricavate le polpette, si passano nella farina rimanente e si friggono nell’olio. Si prepara la salsa: si taglia la cipolla in cubetti piccoli e si frigge a fuoco medio, fra tempo si tagliano i pomodori a cubetti e si mettono con tutti li aromi a friggere con la cipolla per pochi minuti. Quando tutto è pronto, le polpette di melanzane si mettono in un tegame, è si versa sopra la salsa lasciandole andare per alcuni minuti, a fuoco moderato.
Buon appetito!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tokio Hotel Random Facts

Cod - Seafood Stuffed


2 cucchiai scalogno tritato
2 cucchiai peperone tritato
30 gr burro
1 pomodoro pelato privato
seeds 1 tbsp chopped parsley Salt


1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper, sliced \u200b\u200b1 cup dry wine

1 tablespoon lemon juice


Sauté for 3 minutes 2 tablespoons minced shallots and 2 tablespoons crushed red pepper in 30 grams of butter. Join 1 tomato, peeled and seeded and chopped 1 tablespoon parsley. Season with salt and pepper with the mixture arcire cleaned and gutted fish. Place the stuffed fish in a buttered baking sheet, put next to a chopped onion and sliced \u200b\u200b1 green pepper, sprinkle with 1 cup of dry wine and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 gr.

Manipulated Editing The Next Food Network Star

Cornulete - Easter sweets typical

pastry: 500 gr. flour, 100gr. of sugar, half a bag of yeast, one egg, 100 gr. of butter.
Cream: 200 gr. of nuts, an egg white until stiff, a packet of cocoa powder, 50 gr. cream, a teaspoon of essence of rum.

Mix all the ingredients for the pastry. Roll out the dough with a half a centimeter thick and cut into squares of about six inches square. Mix all the ingredients for the cream and put up about half a tablespoon each square. Roll-shaped horn, put on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. When are cooled, place them in a tray and sprinkle with vanilla sugar.

Meaning Of Tender Or Swollen Breasts

Ghiveci de miel-lamb ragout

Ingredients: (serves 6)
1 kg of meat of lamb (shoulder or otherwise),
15 cl of sunflower oil (or vegetable oil), 250 g green peppers
250 grams of eggplant, zucchini
250 grams, 250 grams of onions
200 grams of green beans, 10 grams of
250 g tomatoes, pepper
salt, paprika

Time cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Preparation: Cut the meat into large dice, fry briskly in olive oil very hot, and then metterla in disparte.Preparare intanto le melanzane e le zucchine, pelandole e ritagliandole in dadeti di 2 cm circa di lato.Affettare i peperoni e tagliare i fagiolini in pezzi lunghi 2 cm.
Gettare tutti i legumi in olio bollente, ad eccezione dei pomodori, facendoveli rosolare fortemente.Tranciare intanto i pomodori in quarti e tenerli in disparte.Preparare, in un recipiente dai bordi alti, leggermente imburrato, vari strati di legumi, carne e pomodori.Salare, insaporire con pepe e con molta paprica.Chiudere ermeticamente con il coperchio e lasciare sobbollire in forno , a calore moderato, senza più bagnare.Servire il ragù d’agnello nello stesso recipiente in cui è stato cotto.