Friday, November 5, 2010

Doujinshi Dragon Blood


On May the police in Naples allows a group of fascists to approach the procession parades, staging provocations and threats.
mates react allontanandoli.Uno fascists took refuge in a shop, where a fight breaks out and comes up with the cuts.
Months later the police arrested two people, one of them is Toni and fellow brother of us all.
We do not care to judge the work of his companions. We are interested in understanding the dynamics of the event before you choose which side. We do not conduct
indagini.Una thing is certain: toni is in jail for what it represents. For having been in the forefront in the struggle Environmental Antifascist or against repression. Conscious and innocent are categories that do not belong to us.
(From the manifesto TONINO FREE You'll Never Walk Alone)

Free all and all those who have been imprisoned by the enemy ingiustizia.Occorre give full solidarity with the comrades that we rise each day with their repression, release them through the daily struggle and organization rivoluzionaria.Solisarietà to all @ @ @ Reclus.


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