Thursday, February 18, 2010

Poison Treatment Card

Pumpkin Curry The

What satisfaction when experiments succeed well! As you may have noticed, I have a soft spot for the pumpkin curry and it drives me crazy. I then decided to make this simple recipe combining the two ingredients, the result was a very good dish, creamy, pleasantly spicy and perfect for the cold of these days (although it also adapts well to warmer days).

INGREDIENTS 4 x 700g pumpkin


potatoes 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons curry
chilly powder to taste (can be replaced with the chili)
1 tsp cumin powder 1 teaspoon

mustard seeds 1 can of coconut milk to taste
butter or extra virgin olive oil for the fried
parsley will

salt pepper PREPARATION

Sauté the chopped onion and thin slices of garlic. When the onion is wilted remove the garlic and add the potatoes cut into chunks. Cook over medium heat for a few minutes stirring frequently with a wooden spoon so as not to burn the potatoes and add the pumpkin, cut into small pieces also. Let the vegetables turn brown, continue cooking over medium heat for 5 minutes. Salt, add the spices while continuing to stir, and then il latte di cocco. Abbassate la fiamma, coprite con un coperchio e lasciate cuocere a fuoco lento fino a quando le patate e la zucca saranno cotte. Assaggiate per vedere se manca di sale o di spezie, correggete se necessario. Togliete il coperchio e alzate la fiamma per fare addensare la salsa. Aggiungete abbondante prezzemolo tritato e fate riposare per un paio di minuti.
Servite il curry di zucca e patate caldo accompagnandolo con del riso basmati.


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