Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kates Playground Colletcion

The sweet crêpes

After several weeks I was finally able to return to Paris for a few days. I'm glad I found the my house even if the whole "unhinged" because of the endless work they are doing in the courtyard. My boy, since I came back to Rome only eat junk food, canned and frozen immediately started with the food requirements. I give up on some others are not (at the bottom are on vacation, I want to take advantage of the city and not spend whole days in front of the stove!), But when I said to Mardi Gras for the first time he has not eaten the pancakes , which traditionally are typical carnival sweets, I melted and I did what I should do. For the sake of this and more!
'll notice that the photos I posted are really "zozzissime" but wanted to do the M. Pigs with dark chocolate melted in the microwave or over hot water and dried coconut and I thought that these images do justice to the dish. For me, my pancakes favorites are those with traditional French sugar (cane is the best) and a few drops of lemon. Try to believe it ...

basic recipe for crêpes sweet :
INGREDIENTS for 8-10 pancakes (with a pan of 25 cm in diameter)
25 cl milk 2 eggs
130 g flour 20 g melted butter
qb ; melted butter for cooking
scant 1 cup dark rum
taste grated lemon peel
1 / 2 ; vanilla (Only the seeds)
a pinch of salt

PREPARATION In a bowl, beat the eggs with the milk, vanilla, lemon peel and melted butter. Add the flour sifted with salt and worked with a whisk until a smooth batter. Should form lumps strain the batter. Add the rum last, and let impellicolate pull in the refrigerator for about an hour.
After this time, heat a pan on high heat, quando sarà calda spennellatela con un pennello da cucina di burro fuso e lasciate che si arroventi. Con l'aiuto di un mestolo versate una piccola quantità di pastella sulla padella rovente che muoverete affinché il composto sia distribuito in modo omogeneo.  Lasciate cuocere qualche secondo continuando a muovere la padella di tanto in tanto, quando la crêpes si stacca da sola, è ora di rigirarla.  Girate la crêpe (se siete bravi fatela saltare in aria, altrimenti aiutatevi con piatto o una paletta) e fatela cuocere dall'altro lato per qualche secondo ancora. Voilà, avete finito.

questa ricetta partecipa al contest di "Magic in the kitchen":


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