Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Concussion At Waterpark

Comunicato dei lavoratori di Rosarno Dopo anni di sfruttamento e dopo le azioni squadriste un segno di gratitudine italiana

"I mandarini e le olive non cadono dal cielo"

In data 31 gennaio 2010 ci siamo riuniti per costituire l´Assemblea dei
lavoratori Africani di Rosarno a Roma.
Siamo i lavoratori che sono stati obbligati a lasciare Rosarno dopo aver
rivendicato i nostri diritti. Lavoravamo in condizioni disumane.
Vivevamo in fabbriche abbandonate, senza acqua né elettricità.
Il nostro work was underpaid.
leave the places where we slept every morning at 6:00 to re-enter
only at 20.00 hours for 25 € which did not end even
all in our pockets.
Sometimes we were not, after a hard day's work, to make us pay
return with empty hands and the body bent with fatigue.
We were, for many years, the subject of discrimination, exploitation and threats
of all kinds.
We were exploited by day and hunted at night by the children of our
We were beaten, harassed, hunted down like animals ... taken, someone
gone forever.
They shot at us, for fun or for someone's interest. We
continued to work.
By the time we became easy targets. We could not anymore.
Those who were not wounded by bullets, were injured in their
human dignity, in their pride as human beings.
We could no longer wait for help that would never happen because
're invisible, we do not exist for the authorities of this country.
We got to see, we went down the street shouting for our
The people did not want to see us. How can you show someone that does not exist?
authorities and the police came and took us
deported from the city because we were no longer safe. The inhabitants of Rosarno
you are made to give us the chase, to lynch this time held in
teams and their manhunt.
We were locked up in detention centers for immigrants. Many of us
are still there, others returned to Africa, others are scattered

city in South
We are in Rome. Today we find ourselves without jobs, without a place to sleep
without our luggage and with wages still unpaid in the hands of our
We say we are the actors of economic life in this country,
whose authorities do not want nor see nor hear us. The mandarins,
olives, oranges do not fall from the sky. They are the hands that pick them.
We were unable to find a work we have simply lost
because we asked to be treated like human beings. We are not
come to Italy to tourists. Our work and our sweat
Italy serves as servants to our families who have placed in us
much hope.
ask the authorities of that country to meet and listen to our demands
- ask that the permit be granted for humanitarian reasons
African to 11 injured in Rosario, is granted to all us,
and exploitation of our irregular condition that has left us
unemployed, abandoned and forgotten on the streets.
We want the government to assume its responsibilities and
guarantees us the opportunity to work with dignity.

Assembly of African Workers in Rome Rosarno


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