Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Play Soul Silver On Vba

ravioli broccoli, lemon and marjoram

When I made these ravioli I had a little fear that the matches were wrong. I wanted a paste with the vegetables and the fact that I had bought a delicious ricotta and broccoli in the fridge was a nice Sicilian, there were doubts over the filling. I went out into the garden and I went to see what herbs remained after all this cold. I opted for the marjoram that use little, unjustly so very good, and I have a lemon off the tree. The result was a nice surprise, I got the ravioli from mixing light and delicate that I have a filling of tomatoes seasoned with seared quickly in a sauté onion in oil, a few leaves of marjoram and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.

300 g flour 1 egg water qb

PREPARATION Mix the flour and eggs in food processor. Continue to turn the blades and add a little water to flush. Beat dough on pastry board and add in (if necessary) water if the mixture is too dry or flour if it is too wet. At first it will seem to work the bread dough, but as they worked the latter will be less elastic and will become a smooth ball and soda.
Impellicolate and put a riposare in luogo fresco e asciutto per circa 1 ora.

Il ripieno

200 g ricotta di pecora
1        broccolo siciliano
1        uovo
1        manciata abbondante di parmigiano grattugiato
1        rametto di maggiorana
q.b.    buccia di limone
grated nutmeg salt

PREPARATION Clean the broccoli, divide into florets and cook in boiling water. When it is cooked, chop it coarsely and add to ricotta precedendemente drained and sieved. Add salt and pepper and add to the mix the egg, the chopped marjoram, lemon peel, the Parmesan and nutmeg.

  • For the ravioli packaging invite you to visit my friend's post Barbara that uses a simple and very effective.

As I said before the mixture is very light. The water used to compensate for the fact that there are few eggs, but there is a problem ... most of the dough sticks to your fingers and there is a risk of puncture or tear the dough, then we must be careful that this does not happen happen or as little as possible.


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