Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello Kitty Chapstick

gluten-free orange duck breast and orange reduction, soy sauce and lime

today's experiment was to find some ingredients to match the orange that goes so well with the duck (the second largest French tradition). This is what I came to mind, the result I liked, so the public :-)

a breast x 2 ' duck
60 ml of light soy sauce (not as salty!)
2 arance
1        lime
1        cucchiaino di  pepe di sichuan
1        cucchiaino di semi di coriandolo
2        cucchiaini di  miele di acacia
q.b.    aceto di riso
q.b.    salsa di pesce 
q.b.    zucchero di canna (facoltativo)

PREPARATION Cut the fat of the duck breast and drawing the diamonds being careful not to cut the meat. Put the meat to marinate in soy sauce, the orange juice, coriander and pepper for about an hour. After this time remove the breasts from the marinade liquid, wipe it dry with paper towels and cook in a hot pan skin side 4 minutes (fat will melt and then you do not need acciungere oil or butter) and 4 minutes on the other side. Throw away any excess fat, defatted with a few drops of rice vinegar and add the marinade liquid filtrate. When the sauce begins to boil, add 2 teaspoons honey, reduce the heat and let simmer until the meat reaches the desired cooking. Remove the breasts from the sauce and let rest on a plate. Meanwhile make the sauce reduce by half and add the lime juice and fish sauce. Taste and if necessary add a little sugar or other honey. Let simmer until the reduction has obtained a syrupy consistency.
Cut the duck into slices and drizzle with sauce. For accompaniment, I chose a boiled basmati rice.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kates Playground Colletcion

The sweet crêpes

After several weeks I was finally able to return to Paris for a few days. I'm glad I found the my house even if the whole "unhinged" because of the endless work they are doing in the courtyard. My boy, since I came back to Rome only eat junk food, canned and frozen immediately started with the food requirements. I give up on some others are not (at the bottom are on vacation, I want to take advantage of the city and not spend whole days in front of the stove!), But when I said to Mardi Gras for the first time he has not eaten the pancakes , which traditionally are typical carnival sweets, I melted and I did what I should do. For the sake of this and more!
'll notice that the photos I posted are really "zozzissime" but wanted to do the M. Pigs with dark chocolate melted in the microwave or over hot water and dried coconut and I thought that these images do justice to the dish. For me, my pancakes favorites are those with traditional French sugar (cane is the best) and a few drops of lemon. Try to believe it ...

basic recipe for crêpes sweet :
INGREDIENTS for 8-10 pancakes (with a pan of 25 cm in diameter)
25 cl milk 2 eggs
130 g flour 20 g melted butter
qb ; melted butter for cooking
scant 1 cup dark rum
taste grated lemon peel
1 / 2 ; vanilla (Only the seeds)
a pinch of salt

PREPARATION In a bowl, beat the eggs with the milk, vanilla, lemon peel and melted butter. Add the flour sifted with salt and worked with a whisk until a smooth batter. Should form lumps strain the batter. Add the rum last, and let impellicolate pull in the refrigerator for about an hour.
After this time, heat a pan on high heat, quando sarà calda spennellatela con un pennello da cucina di burro fuso e lasciate che si arroventi. Con l'aiuto di un mestolo versate una piccola quantità di pastella sulla padella rovente che muoverete affinché il composto sia distribuito in modo omogeneo.  Lasciate cuocere qualche secondo continuando a muovere la padella di tanto in tanto, quando la crêpes si stacca da sola, è ora di rigirarla.  Girate la crêpe (se siete bravi fatela saltare in aria, altrimenti aiutatevi con piatto o una paletta) e fatela cuocere dall'altro lato per qualche secondo ancora. Voilà, avete finito.

questa ricetta partecipa al contest di "Magic in the kitchen":

Monday, February 22, 2010

I Want To Kinow About Hapetytis E

salad with goat cheese in sheets of crisp brick

Questa insalata I like it very much and it is quite easy and fast. We serve the salad (or any dell'insalatina cutting), orange peel to live, a diced avocado, toasted pine nuts (which unfortunately I did not) sheets of brick or phyllo pastry and goat cheese. For the sauce I recommend you use the same mine, or a vinaigrette with olive oil, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, orange juice and red onion chopped fine fine or short story.
Regarding the triangles of sheets of brick, I invite you to visit this post Blog "breakfast in bed" where there is also a recipe for them at home! The filling that you will use will be the goat. Bake the triangles in a hot oven until they are golden and arrange on a bed of lettuce and all the other ingredients. It 's ready.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Poison Treatment Card

Pumpkin Curry The

What satisfaction when experiments succeed well! As you may have noticed, I have a soft spot for the pumpkin curry and it drives me crazy. I then decided to make this simple recipe combining the two ingredients, the result was a very good dish, creamy, pleasantly spicy and perfect for the cold of these days (although it also adapts well to warmer days).

INGREDIENTS 4 x 700g pumpkin


potatoes 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons curry
chilly powder to taste (can be replaced with the chili)
1 tsp cumin powder 1 teaspoon

mustard seeds 1 can of coconut milk to taste
butter or extra virgin olive oil for the fried
parsley will

salt pepper PREPARATION

Sauté the chopped onion and thin slices of garlic. When the onion is wilted remove the garlic and add the potatoes cut into chunks. Cook over medium heat for a few minutes stirring frequently with a wooden spoon so as not to burn the potatoes and add the pumpkin, cut into small pieces also. Let the vegetables turn brown, continue cooking over medium heat for 5 minutes. Salt, add the spices while continuing to stir, and then il latte di cocco. Abbassate la fiamma, coprite con un coperchio e lasciate cuocere a fuoco lento fino a quando le patate e la zucca saranno cotte. Assaggiate per vedere se manca di sale o di spezie, correggete se necessario. Togliete il coperchio e alzate la fiamma per fare addensare la salsa. Aggiungete abbondante prezzemolo tritato e fate riposare per un paio di minuti.
Servite il curry di zucca e patate caldo accompagnandolo con del riso basmati.

Friday, February 12, 2010

What Is Manilia Stool

potatoes and barley soup and pumpkin frappe

250 g orzo perlato
1 kg   polpa di zucca
2   leeks 2 potatoes
1 shallot 1 clove
garlic 1 sprig of rosemary
1 bay leaf
taste vegetable broth
qb oil Ages
qb piments Espelette (Replace with paprika )
grated Parmesan cheese to taste
salt pepper

Fry sliced \u200b\u200bshallots, garlic and rosemary poached in a pan with hot oil. When the shallots have taken a bit of color, remove the garlic and rosemary and add the vegetables cut into small pieces. Sauté for about 5 minutes, cover with hot broth and add the bay leaf. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the soup over low heat for about 30 min. When the vegetables are cooked frullatene half and put on fire a few more minutes until the consistency is quite thick. Season with salt.
alternating Serve a spoonful of soup and a handful of pearl barley, which have previously boiled. Season with a dash of raw oil, the piment d'Espelette or paprika, ground pepper and parmesan.

This recipe for the collection:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Southpark Ipod Touch Spcentral

The carnival

Version française ici.

The version that I propose is not that I've replaced the lard with olive oil. With this recipe you will get read and swollen despite the frappe frying.

INGREDIENTS 500 g flour 30 g 00
extra virgin olive oil 1 egg 2 egg
1 1 tablespoon sugar
small glass of white wine

PREPARATION Mix the flour, sugar and eggs in the robot kitchen. Add the oil and wine, and when ingredients are blended transferred all the pastry board. Continue to work with his hands as if he was preparing the pasta. When you've got a hard and smooth dough, impellicolatelo and let stand 1 hour in a cool, dry place.
Roll out the dough with the rolling pin or with the help of a dough sheeter to obtain fine fine. Cut some strips of dough and fry in hot oil for frying. Frappe Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Play Soul Silver On Vba

ravioli broccoli, lemon and marjoram

When I made these ravioli I had a little fear that the matches were wrong. I wanted a paste with the vegetables and the fact that I had bought a delicious ricotta and broccoli in the fridge was a nice Sicilian, there were doubts over the filling. I went out into the garden and I went to see what herbs remained after all this cold. I opted for the marjoram that use little, unjustly so very good, and I have a lemon off the tree. The result was a nice surprise, I got the ravioli from mixing light and delicate that I have a filling of tomatoes seasoned with seared quickly in a sauté onion in oil, a few leaves of marjoram and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.

300 g flour 1 egg water qb

PREPARATION Mix the flour and eggs in food processor. Continue to turn the blades and add a little water to flush. Beat dough on pastry board and add in (if necessary) water if the mixture is too dry or flour if it is too wet. At first it will seem to work the bread dough, but as they worked the latter will be less elastic and will become a smooth ball and soda.
Impellicolate and put a riposare in luogo fresco e asciutto per circa 1 ora.

Il ripieno

200 g ricotta di pecora
1        broccolo siciliano
1        uovo
1        manciata abbondante di parmigiano grattugiato
1        rametto di maggiorana
q.b.    buccia di limone
grated nutmeg salt

PREPARATION Clean the broccoli, divide into florets and cook in boiling water. When it is cooked, chop it coarsely and add to ricotta precedendemente drained and sieved. Add salt and pepper and add to the mix the egg, the chopped marjoram, lemon peel, the Parmesan and nutmeg.

  • For the ravioli packaging invite you to visit my friend's post Barbara that uses a simple and very effective.

As I said before the mixture is very light. The water used to compensate for the fact that there are few eggs, but there is a problem ... most of the dough sticks to your fingers and there is a risk of puncture or tear the dough, then we must be careful that this does not happen happen or as little as possible.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Concussion At Waterpark

Comunicato dei lavoratori di Rosarno Dopo anni di sfruttamento e dopo le azioni squadriste un segno di gratitudine italiana

"I mandarini e le olive non cadono dal cielo"

In data 31 gennaio 2010 ci siamo riuniti per costituire l´Assemblea dei
lavoratori Africani di Rosarno a Roma.
Siamo i lavoratori che sono stati obbligati a lasciare Rosarno dopo aver
rivendicato i nostri diritti. Lavoravamo in condizioni disumane.
Vivevamo in fabbriche abbandonate, senza acqua né elettricità.
Il nostro work was underpaid.
leave the places where we slept every morning at 6:00 to re-enter
only at 20.00 hours for 25 € which did not end even
all in our pockets.
Sometimes we were not, after a hard day's work, to make us pay
return with empty hands and the body bent with fatigue.
We were, for many years, the subject of discrimination, exploitation and threats
of all kinds.
We were exploited by day and hunted at night by the children of our
We were beaten, harassed, hunted down like animals ... taken, someone
gone forever.
They shot at us, for fun or for someone's interest. We
continued to work.
By the time we became easy targets. We could not anymore.
Those who were not wounded by bullets, were injured in their
human dignity, in their pride as human beings.
We could no longer wait for help that would never happen because
're invisible, we do not exist for the authorities of this country.
We got to see, we went down the street shouting for our
The people did not want to see us. How can you show someone that does not exist?
authorities and the police came and took us
deported from the city because we were no longer safe. The inhabitants of Rosarno
you are made to give us the chase, to lynch this time held in
teams and their manhunt.
We were locked up in detention centers for immigrants. Many of us
are still there, others returned to Africa, others are scattered

city in South
We are in Rome. Today we find ourselves without jobs, without a place to sleep
without our luggage and with wages still unpaid in the hands of our
We say we are the actors of economic life in this country,
whose authorities do not want nor see nor hear us. The mandarins,
olives, oranges do not fall from the sky. They are the hands that pick them.
We were unable to find a work we have simply lost
because we asked to be treated like human beings. We are not
come to Italy to tourists. Our work and our sweat
Italy serves as servants to our families who have placed in us
much hope.
ask the authorities of that country to meet and listen to our demands
- ask that the permit be granted for humanitarian reasons
African to 11 injured in Rosario, is granted to all us,
and exploitation of our irregular condition that has left us
unemployed, abandoned and forgotten on the streets.
We want the government to assume its responsibilities and
guarantees us the opportunity to work with dignity.

Assembly of African Workers in Rome Rosarno