Friday, May 14, 2010

Used Cars, London Ontario

The roast veal

Version Française   ici .

Ecco uno dei classici della domenica: l'arrosto. Anche la versione che vi propongo è tradizionale (e sicuramente anche un pò banale), ma che importa? When a dish becomes a "classic" is because it is good and sometimes it's so nice to find some tastes. And then you realize how fortunate we are to live in a land that gives us such wonderful herbs? I am not speaking of Italy in particular, but the Mediterranean ... and thyme, sage, rosemary and bay leaves.

walnut, rump or silverside beef
250 g beef stock 1
; glass di vino bianco
2         carote
1         cipolla grande
2         coste di sedano
75  g   pancetta tagliata a fettine sottili
q.b.     sale
q.b.     pepe in grani
bay leaves rosemary, thyme and sage in extra virgin olive oil to taste plenty

Tie meat with string (or have it link from your butcher) and add salt. Pour a little oil in a pan and put over high heat. When the pan is hot, cauterized the meat on all sides until it appeared a beautiful golden crust. Pour half of glass of wine and let evaporate the alcohol. Spegnete il fuoco, levate la carne dalla padella e lasciatela riposare. 
Quando la carne si sarà freddata o intepidita, infilate nello spago il timo, il rosmarino e la salvia.
 Pulite le carote, il sedano e le cipolle, tagliateli a fette. Cuoceteli a fuoco alto per qualche minuto in un tegame abbastanza capiente con un pò d'olio , il pepe e l'alloro.  Aggiungete la carne e ricopritela con le fette di pancetta che avrete tagliato a striscioline. Mettete il coperchio al tegame e fate cuocere a fuoco medio per circa un'ora e un quarto, bagnando di tanto in tanto con il brodo (al quale avrete aggiunto il vino restante). 
Quando la carne sarà cotta just right, remove from pan and keep warm. The fund filtered cooking the vegetables and squeeze it well to get the most juice possible. If the sauce turns out too runny, you can tie it with a teaspoon of cornstarch dissolved in little water.
Serve the sliced \u200b\u200bmeat with its sauce.

NB .: If you prefer you can cook the meat in the oven, the result is still excellent!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chetna And Prithviblog

The strawberry tart custard

I dear friend who lives halfway around the world (take a little look here !!!). Joan is a wonderful girl that I want a good soul and a few days ago has made over the years. This cake I made the thinking of her and I'm glad I shared with Mr G., mutual friends. ; Ultimamamente I misbehaved not making me live a long time and I apologize that I require. This cake is made with the heart and can not wait to hug my friend. Greetings
late Chopper, come back soon I miss you!

the pastry

INGREDIENTS 250 g flour 00
100 g sugar 150 g butter
3 egg yolks 1 pinch of salt
spices to taste to taste (lemon peel and / or orange zest, vanilla)
PREPARATION Preparation of the pastry in planetary
mix the softened butter and sugar with the leaf (or "K", for planetary kenwood)
add the spices and salt, egg yolks and finally the flour a little at a time. Knead until a smooth paste
, impellicolate and let stand in refrigerator for at least an hour.

Prepare pastry by hand: Cut the bureaucratic
cold cubes. Sift flour with salt on board and worked quickly with butter and herbs, and add the sugar and then eggs. You have to be quick because the dough should not overheat.
When you have a smooth pastry, close it to "ball", impellicolatela and place in refrigerator for at least an hour

Grease and flour a mold, remove the excess flour and put it parte.Con a rolling pin roll out the dough on the thickness you prefer (I like it fine fine) on lightly floured pastry board. Coat the bottom of the tin with the pastry with a fork and bucherellatela. Cook "B" (as described in this recipe) in an oven pre heated to 180 ° C.

the custard

the recipe for the custard click here . You must obtain a fairly thick cream, or when you cut the pie will leak everywhere.

how to assemble the tart ...

is very simple: fill the base of your pastry (already cooked) with cream cold cream almost to the brim. Complete with slices of strawberries or fruit of your choice, drawing a spiral that begins and ends outside the center. Put the tart in the refrigerator for an hour or so abundant, sprinkled with icing sugar and serve.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Blog Chetna And Prithvi Mysore Mallige

Version Française ici.
The mulberry blog is a young (born in January) and my diligence in publishing posts is shameful ... but come the first of satisfaction that I really want to give, to improve and expand this "square" virtual.
The greatest satisfaction that you are no doubt and I read all the wonderful comments you leave me. Thank you!
The second is the satisfaction to have known wonderful people who write on blogs just as beautiful. When I approached the world of foodbloggers for the first time I would never have imagined ...
The third is that laughing and joking, but often hiding, some recipes I have published. This is a great point gained from my self-esteem because I am a little settled, things often spring as soon as they started. Instead, I'm around, it seems .... shhhhhhh! You better not say too loudly that you never know.
I could go on until tomorrow but I'll spare you from further blah, blah, blah and step to the recipe today. Yes, because this blog are missing a lot of things, including the basics, then beccatevi is custard!

500 g milk 150 g sugar 100
g egg yolks 45 g cornstarch 1 vanilla pod
grated lemon zest (optional)

PREPARATION In a saucepan, put the milk with the vanilla pod cut in half lengthwise (seeds scraped all good!) and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Separately, beat egg yolks with sugar and starch. Bring the milk to a boil, pour about half the yolks, mix and add the mixture to remaining milk in saucepan. Put it all on the fire (bass) and turn with the whip until the cream thickens, or about 4 minutes. Pour the cream on a baking sheet extending it well and cover with plastic wrap to touch.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Loss Of Bladder And Bowel Control In Dogs

pork chops with honey, balsamic vinegar, ginger and mustard

finally home again and time to greet a gray ... gray and heavy Leaving from Paris with the sun and get to Rome to find this nice sky is not normal. No, not normal at all, should be the other way ... I have no words.
Today's recipe is easy and good, and this time the protagonists are the pork chops.
not hesitate to change the doses that we do according to your tastes, so you get a flat more or less sweet.

2 pork chops
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons
of honey acacia or millefiori
2 tablespoons mustard (the beans)
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
fresh grated ginger to taste
salt pepper

Place all ingredients in a bowl except the meat, stir and taste to see if the flavor is balanced . Correct if necessary.
Aggiungete le braciole e massaggiatele velocemente per distribuire il composto in modo uniforme, impellicolate (a contatto) e lasciate marinare in frigorifero per un paio d'ore.
Foderate una teglia con della carta forno e poggiatevi sopra le braciole. Ricoprite con il liquido della marinatura e cuocete in forno preriscaldato a 180°C. Girate la carne a metà cottura e bagnatela più volte con il suo sughetto. I tempi di cottura variano a seconda del forno e dello spessore delle braciole. Quando la carne sarà cotta, se il sugo dovesse risultare troppo liquido, fatelo ridurre da solo per qualche minuto.
Ovviamente, se preferite, potete sostituire il forno con la padella.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Realistic Braces Color Selector

tart cherry tomatoes, mustard, thyme and goat

are in Paris. Today horrible time. After a week of wonderful sunshine I was convinced to do a picnic in the forest, without some fava beans and pecorino (pecorino romano's almost impossible to find here), but with a pie prepared for the occasion . Well, the cake was good but my partner and I we had to eat on the kitchen table, in the dark, or almost. Hurrah!
Unfortunately here the kitchen is tiny and I have almost no space to move and then paste strictly bought crust, I also know a good recipe good that sooner or later I will give you. So here I am again with yet another quick and easy recipe. I promise to publish as soon as Ricapito more complex dishes in a kitchen, or next week.

INGREDIENTS 1 roll of dough crust
2 tablespoons mustard
1 bunch fresh thyme
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil to taste tomatoes
grated Swiss cheese to taste to taste goat cheese
salt pepper

Line a baking tray with baking paper, place the disc of dough with a fork and bucherellatelo. Cover with another sheet of baking paper and Posat over a handful of large peas, beans or rice. This technique is called "white area" and is instrumental in the precooked pasta or pastry crust without it puffs up during cooking. Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 10 minutes, until the dough will begin to take some color. Remove from oven and let cool.
Meanwhile wash and cut tomatoes in half. Toss with oil, salt, pepper and thyme and cook about ten minutes in the oven that you left on.
Stuff the bottom of dough with the mustard that spreads evenly, cover with the tomatoes (with the cut side down), a sprinkling of Swiss cheese and several slices of goat cheese. Bake until the cheese has melted. Serve accompanied by warm salad mixture.

In France, the lily is a symbol of May 1 and a good luck. Unfortunately I can not think of all those people who have lost their jobs, who can not get along, or worse, have even lost their lives while working. In this case, alas, the luck has to do very little ...
I think it's still a good sign and dedicate it to you. Happy May 1st everyone.