Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Does Mucus Look Like

Mini "not" Baba

I believe a self-respecting cook should be able to meet the needs of those people who by choice or by necessity do not eat certain foods. Since I started writing on "mulberry", I have discovered many serious blog, interesting and of great quality. There are some that I have, however, affected more than others. It 's the case of The Gaia celiac , to name one. Until recently I thought that abolishing food containing Gluten greatly limited dining choices when in fact you can easily find viable substitutes. For me, I have a slight intolerance to gluten, eggs and dairy products which I do not intend to deprive me unless it becomes a more serious problem. Nothing prevents, however, to experience new things with unusual ingredients! And just because the experiments I like so much I'm going to publish, in addition to "normal", a series of recipes without milk and dairy products and / or gluten-free.

Mini Baba orange gluten
This recipe I got it from this book even if I changed a lot.

INGREDIENTS about 15 x 40 mini baba
g brown sugar 50 g potato starch
50 g rice flour
g baking powder 3 eggs 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
ingredients for the syrup
2 oranges
a glass of rum (optional)
agave syrup 10 cl

PREPARATION In a bowl or in planetary Pour the rice flour, potato starch, baking powder (which you have sifted together) and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, the oil and mix all ingredients until smooth and fluffy get a dough.
With the help of a potato peeler, peel an orange, chop and add zest to the dough.
Pour the mixture into a silicone mold for mini baba ("small baba") and bake in oven pre heated for 20-30 min. 180 ° C.
Meanwhile prepare the syrup: squeeze the oranges, put them in a saucepan with the rum and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, let cool and add the agave syrup.
When babas are inflated and are golden, remove them from the oven and let cool. Dip them in the wet turning them s'imbevano so well. Squeeze gently with your hands, place them on a plate and serve.

Note: This dish can not be compared in any way with the classic recipe for baba. Procedure, ingredients and flavor are completely different.


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