Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Eml Series Es 100tmotion Light

The "mischietto" the art of clean a refrigerator.

Version Française ici.

The "mischietto" is a traditional dish of my family. In reality it is a baked potato with any vegetables you have available. It was my cousin Andrea to call it that for the first time, and since then we have all adopted this term that seems to suit me so stupid how good a side dish. At my house is done regularly, especially in summer.
Today I propose a version with dried tomatoes ...

INGREDIENTS 4 potatoes
2 zucchini 1 leek
1 garlic cloves to taste pepper to taste dried tomatoes
taste mustard seeds
taste pepper to taste fennel
wild thyme to taste and / or oregano
extra virgin olive oil salt pepper

Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces and season them with oil, salt, pepper, chili pepper, thyme and / or oregano and fennel. Place the potatoes seasoned and the clove of garlic on a baking sheet with a sheet of baking paper and place in oven at 180 degrees. Meanwhile, cut the zucchini into pieces the same size of the potatoes (more or less, must remain a rustic dish!), Slice the leek into julienne and blanched for a few minutes the sun-dried tomatoes in boiling water to which you add a drop of 'vinegar. When the potatoes are slightly softened, add the remaining vegetables and cook for about twenty minutes or more (depending on size of pieces and the oven). Remove from oven, add some freshly ground pepper, a dash of olive oil and serve hot hot.

Variations and suggestions: Add ingredients to the potatoes you want. I recommend eggplant, peppers, squash, fresh tomatoes, onions, shallots, capers, breadcrumbs, anchovies, rosemary, marjoram, tarragon, cumin, turmeric, paprika, curry, coriander seeds etc. ... you choose the combination that best suits you!

Curiosity : But mischietto has other names? yes! That's more than cute:
  • Sergio calls him "repesciage"
  • Gaia calls him "bouillon"
  • luxus calls him "the panada vegetables "(but only if placed on a hard crust of rustic ...)
Do you have other names to be added to the list?

Monday, March 29, 2010

What Kind Of Film Does Diana Use

Cannoli Sicilian ...

It seems that this long-awaited spring has finally arrived ... The flowers arrived and those, finally.
The garden is beautiful! The peach, apricot, plum, were stained again and after a winter so heavy and strong emotion.
Speaking of spring, came to my mind the smells, the colors, sounds and warmth of a land that I can not wait too long: Sicily.
waiting to come back (hopefully as soon as possible) to pay homage by posting the recipe for these wonderful desserts that will contain a little soul. ..
Good day to you all!


250 g flour 00 g butter, softened 15
13 g sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon
red wine to taste (or marsala)
taste peanut oil for frying

Work the flour and cocoa sifted together with the butter and sugar, add 1 egg and wine, and knead until dough is smooth and firm similar to the pasta egg. Impellicolate and let stand to cool for about 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough with the rolling pin or with the help of the machine body (one for pasta) to obtain a very thin pastry. With a pasta bowl, cut out circles of 12 cm in diameter, each circle wrap around a cannoli torch, seal it with a brush stroke of the remaining egg and fry in hot oil. When the peels are warm, earcup from the torch and set aside.


INGREDIENTS 500 g ricotta
100 g sugar
taste of orange blossom water to taste chocolate chips
candied taste (optional)
taste chopped pistachios (unsalted! )

Let the ricotta drain for a few hours setacciatela and stir in sugar, orange flower water, chocolate chips and (possibly) the candied fruit.

how to assemble the cake ...

Put the filling of cottage cheese in a pastry bag. Fill each skin with the necessary amount of filling and dip the ends of each cannoli in the pistachios. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

NB: You need only fill the cannoli when otherwise serve the zest will lose its crispness ...
But if you want a few hours before packing them, I reveal the trick to make them look just the facts: melt some white chocolate in microwave or double boiler and a finger foderatevi the inside of the cannoli. When chocolate is dry, you will have a transparent and waterproof coating that will prevent the filling to make "ammosciare" your peel.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dish Network Dual Tuner Diagram

potato dumplings (basic recipe)

Lately I've been hiding a lot ... I've been around a lot and in time spent at home were attacked by laziness that made me neglect my poor blog. What's more, today I did the foil to eat healthy for a while so I will refrain from preparing dishes fats and sugar (the good ones, in short). I'm afraid not publish recipes for some very interesting, but luckily I made photos sweets prepared at various days ago and soon put it all online.
Ok, since I'm in the mood for traditional dishes (be the first effects of deprivation diet ???), I leave you with the recipe of potato gnocchi. As soon as I start to eat "properly" I promise to post a good sauce to match!

1 kg potatoes 1 egg 250 g flour 00
to taste flour for the dough processing
PREPARATION Boil the potatoes still with skin (washed well, I recommend!) in water. When cooked, drain, peel and mash potatoes in the crush. If the puree seems too moist, Mettetal in a baking pan with parchment paper and let it dry for a few minutes in a preheated oven at 180 ° C.
Put the cooked potatoes on a pastry board, add flour and egg and processed quickly mescolado ingredients until a ball of dough soft enough. Sprinkle the dough with flour and let it sit for a few minutes.
Divide the dough into 5 parts and form of the "sausage" with each of them (you choose the diameter of your choice depending on the size you want to give your dumplings). With the help of a knife or a tarot, cut your sausages into chunks and sprinkle with flour to prevent them from attacking each other or a pastry board. If you want to scratch your gnocchi, pass on a "line dumplings" or place it on the floured tines of a fork and take a little pressure.
Cook in salted water. The gnocchi are ready when they come to the surface.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Best Way To Clean A Mootorbike Chain

Manjari chocolate mousse, hazelnut streusel and pear skewers Sarawak Pepper

I always assumed that if you decide to sin, we would not do it well worth it. Precisely for this reason I believe that the choice of raw materials is essential. Quality products cost more than mediocre e se, come me in questo caso, puntate all'eccellenza (parlo sempre d'ingredienti e non di risultato finale, non mi permetterei mai!)  aspettatevi cifre MOLTO più alte di quelle del super mercato...però che differenza di sapore, ne vale proprio la pena!
Il cioccolato Manjari che ho usato per questa mousse fa parte dei  grands crus di Valrhona ed è, a mio avviso, l'eccellenza di cui vi parlavo prima. In ogni modo potete ovviamente utilizzare la marca che  preferite, avrete sempre una mousse molto buona!

Mousse al cioccolato

150 g crema inglese
250 g cioccolato fondente
200 g panna semi montata

Tritate il cioccolato e mettetelo in una ciotola. Nel frattempo preparate la crema inglese, quando quest'ultima avrà raggiunto una temperatura di circa 80°C versatela sul cioccolato tritato e mescolate con una spatola fino a quando avrete ottenuto una crema omogenea, liscia e lucida (tutto il cioccolato dovrà essersi squagliato!). Coprite con della pellicola alimentare a contatto e mettete in frigo per circa 3 ore.

Streusel alla nocciola

100 g burro morbido
100 g zucchero di canna
100 g polvere di nocciole (Or almond if you like) 100 g flour 00

the butter and sugar in a planetary mixer. Add flour sifted together and then turn the sheet by mixing all the ingredients. You will get a dough "grainy" that let it rest in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
After this time, put the dough on a baking tray covered with a sheet of baking paper and bake at 180 ° C for about 10 minutes.

pear pepper kebabs Sarawak

Ingredients 1 medium sized pear
1 knob of butter 1
  cucchiaio di zucchero
q.b. pepe sarawak (o pepe nero comune)

Con l'aiuto di uno scavino, recuperate quante più "palline" potete dalla pera.
In una padella fate scaldare la noce di burro e fatevi saltare i pezzi di pera per 2 o 3 minuti su fuoco medio. Aggiungete lo zucchero (se necessario, qualora la pera non fosse abbastanza dolce, zuccherate ancora) e la quantità di pepe, rigorosamente macinato al momento, che preferite. Lasciate cuocere ancora per 2 o 3 minuti.
Confezionate gli spiedini calcolando 2 palline per ogni stecchino.

Per montare il dolce avete diverse possibilità. Le dosi che I have given are for 4 people, depending on the hunger and / or throat. Personally, as I prepared this cake for a birthday, I opted for the shot glasses and finger food instead of a pear I've used both.
With a pastry bag, I filled the glasses of mousse, I covered with a layer of streusel, and then I leaned over the spit.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Baking Powder Antacid -soda

Risolatte vanilla

Version Française ici.

Here is a sweet easy, loved by young and old. There are several recipes, some require baking, while others say to add an egg to the ingredients. I like it, very simple ...

4 x 100 g rice from
cl milk 1 vanilla bean
g sugar 1 pinch salt

PREPARATION In a saucepan, boil the milk with the vanilla pod open in 2 (well scraped all the seeds!), Salt and sugar. Remove from heat and let infuse for about 15 minutes.
Wash the rice and place in a saucepan with cold water and set on fire, bring to boil and drain. Put the rice in the pot, but this time cover with the milk. Simmer for about 30 minutes.

NB: vanilla may be replaced with the grated rind of a lemon. The risolatte can be enriched with dried fruit as desired, in this case, instead vanilla or lemon, I find that there is cardamom great!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Does Mucus Look Like

Mini "not" Baba

I believe a self-respecting cook should be able to meet the needs of those people who by choice or by necessity do not eat certain foods. Since I started writing on "mulberry", I have discovered many serious blog, interesting and of great quality. There are some that I have, however, affected more than others. It 's the case of The Gaia celiac , to name one. Until recently I thought that abolishing food containing Gluten greatly limited dining choices when in fact you can easily find viable substitutes. For me, I have a slight intolerance to gluten, eggs and dairy products which I do not intend to deprive me unless it becomes a more serious problem. Nothing prevents, however, to experience new things with unusual ingredients! And just because the experiments I like so much I'm going to publish, in addition to "normal", a series of recipes without milk and dairy products and / or gluten-free.

Mini Baba orange gluten
This recipe I got it from this book even if I changed a lot.

INGREDIENTS about 15 x 40 mini baba
g brown sugar 50 g potato starch
50 g rice flour
g baking powder 3 eggs 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
ingredients for the syrup
2 oranges
a glass of rum (optional)
agave syrup 10 cl

PREPARATION In a bowl or in planetary Pour the rice flour, potato starch, baking powder (which you have sifted together) and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, the oil and mix all ingredients until smooth and fluffy get a dough.
With the help of a potato peeler, peel an orange, chop and add zest to the dough.
Pour the mixture into a silicone mold for mini baba ("small baba") and bake in oven pre heated for 20-30 min. 180 ° C.
Meanwhile prepare the syrup: squeeze the oranges, put them in a saucepan with the rum and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, let cool and add the agave syrup.
When babas are inflated and are golden, remove them from the oven and let cool. Dip them in the wet turning them s'imbevano so well. Squeeze gently with your hands, place them on a plate and serve.

Note: This dish can not be compared in any way with the classic recipe for baba. Procedure, ingredients and flavor are completely different.