Thursday, January 20, 2011

Swine Flu Temporary Hearing Loss?

photoshop: grid view and select Print photos

If I have misunderstood the question with regard to Milena "square canvas" I think he was referring to the display of the grid.
So if this is the steps to follow are simple:
- I make my usual blank canvas

- from the VIEW menu and then choose SHOW GRID (or faster CTRL +,)
and this is what I see:

IMPORTANT: the grid is only an aid for alignment of flash objects, not you see when you print or use the file with another program.

As for being able to select only part of the photo you want to copy and resize certain that one can do, just do this: I create the file where you usually will copy the selection, I open the image I want to copy the selection

choose the Rectangular Marquee tool

then go on a photo and trace the selection of the part that interests me
and as for the other as I copy and paste (CTRL + C to copy, mi sposto sul file di destinazione e incollo CTRL+V)
anche qui ridimensiono. Per cambiar le carte in tavola facciamo una prova: ridimensiono l'immagine ma più piccola rispetto la "tela".
E se ora volessi rpendere solo l'immagine senza il bianco intorno?
Semplice: vado sulla finestra livelli e clicco sull'icona vicino al livello tenendo premuto CTRL.
Così "carico la selezione" di tutto quello che c'è in quel livello, ossia solo il rettangolo più piccolo (se ci fossero state due foto separate la selezione avrebbe preso entrambe, bisogna ricordarsi che il bianco che vediamo è while the background when you paste a new object on a different level has a transparent background ... a bit 'confused as an explanation but if you do some testing of course much better).
and indeed around the image I get the usual "marching it shows me a selection. Now I can copy paste being sure to copy only what I need.
Ok, I hope I was clear in the next post dedicated to photoshop, I hope to tell how scontarnare (or at least I do ...).


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