Monday, March 7, 2011

Lambretta Engine Lambretta Ac 4 Pole Electrics?


I saw this wonderful post on Desserts go go! and I thought that I could not try them.
So Sunday, after a failed attempt on Saturday (because of my carelessness ... there can not believe it but I pressed the wrong button on the bread machine, but can you?) Sunday, I paid more attention and is the result.

The rise seems to me just right and I am not to say the smell and taste! They are very good so left or cut in half and stuffed with a thin layer of jam (although for my taste is too sweet).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Converting A Vw To A Buggy

Album of Vienna: the gardens of the Belvedere

Also to blame, or thank you, alla sfida del blog Un Layout al mese , sono riuscita a realizzare una nuova doppia-pagina per l'album di Vienna, questa volta i protagonisti assoluti sono i giardini del Belvedere. Qui i dettagli della sfida e lo sketch da seguire.
Questa è la mia interpretazione
Le foto le avevo già stampate ma credo di essere riuscita ad adattarle a sufficienza allo sketch.
Per il resto la pagina è semplicissima: la base sono due bazill craft, il rametto di foglioline timbrato tutto intorno è del set clear Leaves of Green , così come il rametto di foglie più grande timbrato sulla tag. I fiori, originalmente, erano bianchi ma li ho generosamente spruzzati con lo  Smooch Spritz Pink Sprinkles.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beach Theam Shower Curtins

Dear me: When the scrap arrives on the big screen ....

... bhe o quasi dai!
La locandina, di certo, ci ricorda il nostro mondo scrapposo... colori, ritagli carta e forbici cosa si vuole di più?
 E che dire di questa immagine tratta dal film

non ricorda il CAOS crativo che campeggia sulle nostre scrivanie e tavoli se non arriva addirittura al pavimento proprio come nella foto?

Anche il press book è proprio scrap-style, lo potete vedere qui .

Insomma un film che ha tanti motivi per cui essere visto... oltre ovvimanete, the plot that oops, I have not yet told. In short:
Margaret (Sophie Marceau), business woman consumed, the day of his fortieth birthday he receives a letter that begins: "Dear me, now I make 7 years and I am writing this letter to tell you to remember the promise made age of reason, and also remember that I want to be ... " and the author is her own, or rather, her first in 33 years. This letter will cause a real emotional earthquake and the protagonist begins to question the life that is living and what belongs to ...
A film that will make us all go to rummage among the old diaries and notebooks when fantasize about how we were and what we were going to "large."

Monday, February 28, 2011

Dandruff On Lice Comb

After class ...

I would say that after previewing the post post-course there is more than very well!
The beauty of the courses by author footprints is that they give me the opportunity to review all loyal customers and newcomers with the same passion and the same desire to create something with their hands: why I never tire of thank you.
I leave with the course of the morning, 8 maidens who trained with tickets moving and they gave me great satisfaction. Fast ... so that we finished well in advance and there was plenty of time to take some pictures to business standards: very good!

And then during the afternoon, only three maidens here (but as they say few but good) who trained with the minialbum Feltrosa. Bravissimo to them because there was work to be done, including cutting, pasting, stamping and binds have had their work cut!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Plan B Harmful Pregnant

Course Preview: Tickets moving Flipbooks Feltrosa

What do Sat Footprints Copyright in Milan?
the morning we dive into the technical Tickets Movement, we learn the structure and mechanisms of 4 tickets that move. Nothing but a lot of decorating techniques that will transform the simple notes in works of genius that will say "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" on those who receive them. But obviously you have some ideas for decorating the let them available to the examples that you can take photos:

and the latter has the same structure that I used for this ticket Christmas version

the afternoon, Instead, there is a sbizzarisce minialbum Feltrosa from binding simple and fast and the original closure. Here is a small preview:

So equip yourself with photos and a great desire to mess around with stamps and paper punches.

Chest Infection Usual Duration

Bergamo Creattiva February 2011

Fair of Bergamo is always beautiful!
This year there were a show stand. The exhibition went well, the Sunday when I sorpattutto once again shared the adventure with Ila fair booth that HDC took the course on its delicious mini-album, while I untangled between demo and service to customers in the booth Footprints Copyright with Barbara, Lara , Hermann, and Stefano Umberto ... sin for one unfortunate hitch: the carrier is gone Umberto. Speaking with several stand personnel seems to be a regrettable occurrence, so I think the leaders should think of the fair to take action a bit 'more effective than passing notice, usually when it is too late, that should pay attention to their personal . But back to the nice side of fair, I can say that I was lucky to meet many friend starting Vale and Claudia ... lacked only Chiara but it was busy in other affairs gentle.
Then many, many other friends ... pity not to have had time to take pictures with them too! Friends from near White, Barbara, Elio, Daniela, Stefan, the legendary "blondes" Patrick and damn it, I do not remember the name, and Antonella and lovely daughter and many others that I can not remember but I come to mind during the day ... and friends from afar Anna Maria, and Paul Oronzo away from Rome, Marina Switzerland. Not to mention the surprise surprises: many new / old friends found through this blog and other known instead of quotations or in store! Now since my mental alertness and memory are at large, to say the least (I like to give the tired excuse ...) I ask these new friends who have gone to see me leave a comment here with your name and topic that we discussed ... in the hope that it is fresh the memory of events is finally able to associate the name to the face (eg, I believe it was Elena who passt good 1 hour to decide which stamp to choose between three heads ... examples like these but I remember various names swirling in my head and get confused ... I should learn to take notes at the fair).
Next meeting with creativity: Saturday at the store. The morning and afternoon TICKETS MOVIEMNTO minialbum Feltrosa.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Type R Wiring Diagram

picking up the album Vienna

Unbelievable but true ... missing very little at the end of the album Vienna (holiday 2009). So I can go back to being just one year ahahaha.
baby steps and we almost. This page is dedicated to the garden of the prince.

The page is a simple but an album not all pages can be super-prepared! However I like
and satisfied! The base is a cream-colored card, which I stamped the incredible flower Papertrey ( set here), all colored with crayons and the inevitable acqurellabili brush with the tank which can be found by Footprints Copyright here. In this case, because the small size of some details of the stamp, I used the pointed end (yellow): Perfect! Then the green card for the background to the main photo, a decorative bottoncione that since this set of cardboard and covered with lacquer does not weigh disproportionately page but does her figure. Two eyelets through which to pass a string and finally the title: stamped with ' Alphabet Typewriter Alphabet Clear on an ordinary tape bought in haberdashery and applied to the page with the tape. Damn, I almost forgot the superhuman effort of writing and journaling by hand in corsivo... ormai so scrivere solo in stampatello!!! Però mi sono data come "compito" quello di provare a scrivere a mano in qualche LO... magari, prima o poi, mi piacerà!
Qui un dettaglio dei fiori

Da domani sono a Bergamo Creattiva!!! Se passate per quella splendida fiera venite a salutarmi: sono allo stand Impronte d'Autore padiglione B stand 13-15-17: vi aspetto con l'album di Vienna "quasi" finito.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Attacks Pokemon Deluge

Happy Birthday Andrea!

Oggi il mio fidanzatissimo compie gli anni: Tanti auguri amore!

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Are The Main Big Sins In Muslims?

Photoshop: photos b / w with a colorful detail

Un'effetto che trovo particolarmente simpatico da usare nell foto è quello di prendere una foto e trasformarla in bianco e nero lasciando un particolare colorato.
Quindi parto con la foto del mio fidanzato che gioca con il suo "giocattolo" preferito: l'iPhone.

La prima operazione da fare è quella di duplicare il livello, in questo modo ho sempre "sottomano" l'originale della foto e ulteriore precauzione potrebbe essere quella di salvare il file già con un altro nome

ma torniamo alla foto: come visto nel post Scontorniamo? creo il tracciato dell'area che voglio resti colorata: nel mio caso the case of the iPhone.
Clicking the left mouse button on the track you just created in the Paths dialog, load the selection.
With the key combination CTRL + i get the reverse selection
Therefore, any operation will now be only on this selection. With the key combination CTRL + u (or from the menu Image, Adjustments, Hue / Saturation) I get this window
just put the value -100 in the box corresponding to saturation, or drag the slider all left-side the value of here is the color saturation and disappear from the selection

With the selection still active, you can also act on the brightness (CTRL + L) black / white.
Ok, but if I did not want any other color but blue?
to "paint" in a different way the case should I recharge the selection but the selection itself must first remove two parts: the black circle with the apple and the lens, so what do I do? I'll be back on the window of the tracks and add, at the same level, these two paths
Now when I go to load the selection that the selection is "Bored". Now view the window, Hue / Saturation, and this time I click next to the item "color" is located in the lower right.
and that's something that happens already, now playing with the 3 sliders Hue, Saturation, Brightness and try to get the color I like.
and this is the end result

here instead of the 3 versions