Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How To Calculate Kundali

Version Française ici.

Here I am with another quick post and a simple dish.
of this recipe are not able to give you the dose, you will need to make eye ...
Choose vegetables that you like (private mushrooms stems, cut tomatoes in half, eggplant, onions, sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, etc. ...).
Chop slices of stale bread without the crust (if it is fresh toast in the oven for a few minutes) and transfer it into a bowl. Add desalted and chopped capers, black olives chopped chopped anchovies (optional) chopped dried tomatoes (Optional), chopped pepper, lemon peel chopped and Parmesan or pecorino cheese, rich sauce with herbs , evo oil and pepper . Mix all ingredients well.
Arrange the vegetables in a pan covered with parchment paper, sprinkle with chopped bread and add a drizzle of flavored oil.
Cook the vegetables in a preheated oven at 200 ° C. The cooking time varies depending on the thickness of slices and vegetables. If necessary, add raw oil before bringing to the table.

NB .: You can replace the old bread with bread crumbs, but the result will not be the same.

This recipe for the collection of "Eat and Drink":

Monday, April 19, 2010

Create Electricity With Toy Car Motor

Vegetables au gratin sauce with herbs

Version Française ici.

... and with the arrival of spring returning even the wonderful, wonderful, divine fresh herbs!
is a sauce that you should have in the refrigerator all summer. The "extra touch" of a number of recipes: sauces for pasta or rice, meat or fish sauces, vinaigrettes, vegetables au gratin, etc ... Is so very easy and fast that I recommend you just make you a jar.
It is a mixture of chopped herbs separately to the knife together and covered with oil. It keeps several days in the refrigerator and is composed of:
  • basil
  • 40% 40% 20%
  • parsley, mixed herbs to taste (thyme, oregano, marjoram, savory, sage, rosemary, etc ...)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Men Like Waxed Women?

Thai chicken soup, lemon grass and mushroom tart

Yes I know, spring has arrived here ... but at night, temperatures drop and a lot of hot soup is always nice.
who follows me knows my passion for curry and coconut milk, but, unlike the recipes I have published so far (this and this ) inspired by Indian cooking, the recipe for today is from Thailand. In fact, instead of the usual mix of curry powder I used curry paste .
Warning! The soup is spicy !!!!!

INGREDIENTI x4 (o x2 buone forchette)
500 ml  brodo di pollo
500 g    petto di pollo
100 g    pomodorini
200 g    funghi (champignons de Paris)
500 ml  latte di cocco
1             cucchiaio di pasta di curry verde
3             bastoncini di citronella
2           galanga root (optional)
6 kaffir leaves or okra (optional)
lime juice to taste fresh coriander (optional)
qb seed oil

PREPARATION Boil the broth in a saucepan. Cut the roots of galanga and lemon grass into rounds, place them in boiling broth together with the leaves of okra and let ifusione for a few minutes.
Meanwhile heat some oil in a wok or large frying pan and cook the curry paste for a few minutes making it give off the scent.
Add curry flavored broth half of which have previously filtered boiling and then reduce for a few minutes.
Cut the chicken into pieces, split in two in the tomatoes, remove seeds and water vegetation and sliced mushrooms (previously well washed!).
In another pan fry the chicken quickly in oil seeds over high heat. Set aside.
Add the coconut milk and curry broth and let reduce for a few minutes, add the chicken pieces, tomatoes and mushrooms and cook over low heat until the chicken and mushrooms are cooked. If the soup had become too thick to stretch it a bit of broth left.
When cooked, add the fish sauce and lime juice. Garnish with a few leaves of cilantro (unfortunately I did not and in fact the photo is missing its "green "...) and serve!

this recipe is in the context of "Magic in the kitchen":

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Can I Spray Listerine Pocket Pals In Dog's Mouth

full of blackberries

Version Française ici.

The crust of this tart is made with whole wheat flour. I really like this version and it is slightly healthier (although with all that butter, say that the crust is healthy is FORBIDDEN!) than classical. If you prefer, you can only use 00 flour.

INGREDIENTS 200 g wholemeal flour 00 g 50
100 g sugar 150 g butter
3 egg yolks 1 pinch of salt to taste
; spices to taste (lemon peel and / or orange zest, vanilla)
a jar of blackberry jam or fruit of your choice.

PREPARATION Preparation of the pastry in planetary
mescolate il burro ammorbidito e lo zucchero con la foglia (o il "K", per le planetarie kenwood), aggiungete gli aromi e il sale, i tuorli e infine la farina poca per volta. Lavorate fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo, impellicolate e lasciate riposare in frigorifero per almeno un'ora.

Preparazione della frolla a mano:
Tagliate il buro freddo a dadini. Setacciate le farine con il sale sulla spianatoia e lavoratele velocemente con il burro e gli aromi; aggiungete lo zucchero e infine le uova. Dovete essere veloci perché l'impasto non deve scaldarsi troppo. 
Quando avete una frolla omogenea, chiudetela a "palla", impellicolatela e mettetela in frigorifero per almeno un'ora

Imburrate e infarinate uno stampo, togliete la farina in eccesso e mettetelo da parte.
Con un matterello stendete la pasta dello spessore che preferite (a me piace fina fina) sulla spianatoia leggermente infarinata. Rivestite il fondo dello stampo con la frolla e bucherellatela con una forchetta. Ricoprite con uno strato abbondante di marmellata e chiudete la crostata con delle striscioline ricavate dalla pasta avanzata. 
Cuocete in forno precedentemente scaldato a 180°C per circa 30 min.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How Do I Know What Kind Of Turtle I Have

Chicken legs devilled

Finalmente a Roma è tornato il sole dopo un giorno di pasqua freddo e piovosissimo. E con il sole returned to the desire to turn the barbecue and resume cooking on the grill that I had abandoned months ago. The chicken in a spicy that I propose you can obviously cook in the oven at home and over the thighs, you can use the whole wing nuts (actually even better!)

2 x 2 chicken legs (split in three places to facilitate cooking)
1 / 2 bottle of white wine
at will chopped herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage, marjoram, etc. ..)
wild fennel seeds crushed
orange peels and / or chopped lemon
paprika chili
brandy mustard sauce worcestershire

PREPARATION Put the chicken in a bowl with a fork bucherellatelo from grill, cover it with white wine and some chopped herbs and let it season for at least an hour.
Work the lard with the mustard, herbs, pepper, fennel, chopped the peels of citrus fruits, paprika, chilli, brandy, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco.
When the chicken is seasoned remove it from the marinade, dry with paper towels and place in a baking tray with baking paper. Massage it well with lard and cook on the grill or oven hot. If you decide to cook in the oven, serve with your sauce!
And the potatoes? Prepare the potatoes crisp and tasty baked good that you will have a dressing with a tablespoon of lard, one tablespoon of chopped herbs, a clove of garlic, salt and pepper.

Alas, when the lard melts and falls on the fire come out of the flames were very high that blacken the chicken, but often just burn it. This is a problem for all meat, when the presence of fat is important. But fear not, there is a great trick: a handful of salt on the hot coals solve the problem. Unfortunately I only discovered the day after my chicken and the photo that I propose is that of a leg that took a little too warm, even when it was still delicious!

Did you know that ... when you open a whole chicken to make it to the devil must be cut from the back and not the chest! Unfortunately, most of the butchers have a bad habit of doing the opposite and this causes the breast dries out and becomes much more wad ... Then ask them to use it wisely because it is really worth!