Saturday, November 13, 2010

Operation Repo Watch Free


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Large Curvy Women In Tight

Solidarietà ai Compagni del COLLETTIVO RISCOSSA

On October 30, 2010

the evening of October 30 companions of the collective Rescue of Catanzaro have been assaulted by a group of fascists.

A companion was injured with a stab, a hospital prognosis than thirty days.
Rescue Collective's statement more or less explains the dynamics of what happened:

The Rescue Collective intends to rebuild and bring clarity to what happened last Saturday, October 30 in adjacency della nostra sede, luogo in cui si sono verificate due vili aggressioni fasciste con il conseguente tentato omicidio di un nostro compagno. Era in corso un'iniziativa pubblica per la presentazione di una rivista di controinformazione. Intorno alle 21.30 abbiamo notato dalla finestra un gruppetto di fascisti che ha iniziato a provocarci con cori, insulti e minacce. Alle nostre rimostranze verbali il gruppetto fascista ha iniziato ad avvicinarsi, scagliando un mattone verso una finestra, dietro la quale si trovavano due ragazze facilmente visibili dall'esterno, rompendone pericolosamente i vetri. L'aggressione è continuata con il tentativo, fallito, di assaltare i locali della nostra sede. Nonostante l'accaduto, una volta dileguatisi i fascisti, si è deciso di portare a termine l'iniziativa prevista. Trascorse circa un paio d'ore però, abbiamo notato che nuovamente, il gruppo di fascisti, questa volta più numeroso, si stava avvicinando minacciosamente all'ingresso della nostra sede. Siamo usciti dicendo loro di allontanarsi anche per non arrecare ulteriore disturbo alle famiglie del vicinato. Al che è seguita una nuova aggressione nel corso della quale uno dei componenti del gruppo ha estratto dalla tasca un coltello e con estrema lucidità e determinazione ha colpito il nostro compagno con due fendenti alla schiena. Quanto verificatosi è stato tanto repentino quanto premeditato, tant'è che subito dopo il vile gesto, il gruppo, ricompattatosi, ha iniziato to leave immediately. We immediately took our friend to the emergency room. Once there we were bombarded by questions from police, who instead of identifying the attackers, identified the attacked! After that, the same police decided to search our site looking for "weapons and explosives," search that ended with the seizure of a small old rusty scythe now, we have preserved as a symbol of tradition and struggles of movement of workers and peasants. And even in this case, instead of looking elsewhere that the blade had hurt our partner, their focus was on that old farm tools to which we also were charged with "illegal possession of weapon." The search lasted about two hours. Soon after we were forcibly transferred to the police station for "questioning" or better to make summary information, which lasted almost until 8 o'clock in the morning. Our friend was stabbed in emergency surgery for serious wounds, wounds that just a lucky chance, did not have irreversible consequences. It is no longer acceptable that such incidents might be considered simple Saturday night brawls or gang wars. Recall that the fascists in the city have claimed numerous attacks in recent years, resulted in violence and intolerance race and politics, still remained unpunished for the silence of the institutions. We therefore call on all nationals to be vigilant and to mobilize to prevent such despicable and serious incidents will no longer have to repeat itself.


Collective Rescue Catanzaro

Friday, November 5, 2010

Doujinshi Dragon Blood


On May the police in Naples allows a group of fascists to approach the procession parades, staging provocations and threats.
mates react allontanandoli.Uno fascists took refuge in a shop, where a fight breaks out and comes up with the cuts.
Months later the police arrested two people, one of them is Toni and fellow brother of us all.
We do not care to judge the work of his companions. We are interested in understanding the dynamics of the event before you choose which side. We do not conduct
indagini.Una thing is certain: toni is in jail for what it represents. For having been in the forefront in the struggle Environmental Antifascist or against repression. Conscious and innocent are categories that do not belong to us.
(From the manifesto TONINO FREE You'll Never Walk Alone)

Free all and all those who have been imprisoned by the enemy ingiustizia.Occorre give full solidarity with the comrades that we rise each day with their repression, release them through the daily struggle and organization rivoluzionaria.Solisarietà to all @ @ @ Reclus.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Difference Between Emu & Emu Ridge