Monday, June 22, 2009

Baby Burst Capillaries


Metti un pomeriggio di sole a Piazza Vittorio, non per caso ma per non parlarci addosso, per ascoltare e stare in piazza, in mezzo a chi passa, cammina, accompagna, è seduto su una panchina, aspetta l’autobus o esce dall’Università. Usciamo per intervistare chi abita in questa città, per dare un volto alla parola “gente” e stare a sentire quello che ha da dire… su di noi, i rifugiati e i richiedenti asilo che si trovano a vivere in questo stesso luogo.


Coloro che scappano da una guerra civile. Proprio oggi i giornali raccontano la storia di una di loro.
Una ragazza di 25 anni vedova richiedente asilo che è stata denunciata dai carabinieri nell’ hospital where he had to give birth.

Those seeking political asylum. Fleeing wars and must flee from their countries

Who is not in good standing. For this reason they are called refugees because they have to hide.

Those who request it. People who fled their country does not ensure their fundamental freedoms. In Italy there is a law that allows them to apply for 'asylum. I think there are different categories of refugees (for example, who is a refugee for political reasons and some for humanitarian tragedies) but I'm not sure.

People who are given the status of refugees, migrants with particular situations.

Who in the country of origin

is haunted I'm a policeman, I do not ask questions.


Why are they where they are wrong!

Why are sick at home, while here they get everything. Near me, in St. Michael, I have heard that foreigners give the house and the kids that live in there as well give thirty euro a day. And we're stupid? I have my children who work and do not make it to arrive later this month. A year that called for the municipal day-care for children, but do not take them. We believe, there are always foreigners first! And we're here putting grandfathers old holes ... Why
Italy, although here do not they say, is a country where you can live well.
If people run away, which means he did something wrong! And many times they fight each other for stupid things ... and have I got?
Why there is war.
Why are there where they have no home. Otherwise how would be content to sleep on cardboard on the street? And 'because even before they had nothing. I was born in Piazza Vittorio, here everything has changed. I feel sorry for those on the streets. Many times I have even asked to rent the basement to outside the EU, but I do not want to put humans in the ground like rats. Cracks gliel'affitto but not, I do not care about money. Madam, these refugees who davanti una casa ce l'avevano e non avevano affatto problemi economici, ma sono dovuti scappare perchè perseguitati politici... E ti pare giusto allora? E' ora che voi giovani fate la rivoluzione! Svegliatevi voi e loro e andate contro quelli che stanno lassù al Governo che si mangiano tutto e vi ammazzano pure.
Perchè hanno problemi nel loro paese, no?! Ma che domande mi fate? Io ho girato mezzo mondo, queste cose le so...


Utili se impariamo a conoscere altre realtà. Lo stato inoltre dovrebbe metterli in regola e garantire loro una casa e un lavoro.

Nessuna delle due. Qualunque persona può essere utile o pericolosa.

I think that would be most useful. They are trying to build another life. Unfortunately, Italy is a very corrupt country and may encounter the "corporal", eventually to work illegally. Unfortunately
are invisible and are likely to fall into the hands of the mafia. It all depends on governments that have to regularize. That 's the only way to make some progress.

Well if I remember right Einstein was a refugee! They can bring a lot of resources, if we knew ... I'm not dangerous to use.

course I'm dangerous. (Since the respondent is a migrant, we ensure that he understood the question) I and other foreigners become dangerous. Italy makes us so dangerous because it makes us live, without a document and regular work.

are not dangerous. They are more fragile than those who come here just to work because they have a worse situation.

They are human beings like everyone else, are neither dangerous nor useful beings to be exploited. If

fled something they did ... maybe you have been violent in their country and can be dangerous here.

must be careful to fundamentals. If a person chooses to be one part in a "fundamental" need to be careful.

certainly useful.


That is crap.

Frankly I'm ignorant in this field.

is sometimes good, sometimes not. Know we can not fill all the holes ourselves, here in Italy you can. For example I am sick of osteoporosis in the third stage, but the medicines I have to buy me alone! Sixty € disbursement them whenever I, I feel right?
It 's a problem because there is a crisis. But it is precisely in times of crisis you see the true warmth.

There may be welcome in Italy. But in the CPT no, that's prison. There is no reception

because Italians are not open to foreigners. Italians do not accept different habits, especially if linked to the Islamic religion. If you go to the Italian club I do not care, do not say anything. And so the woman who wears a headscarf must be complied with by Italians.

Ah yes, well they come and I expect to encounter? We welcome them as we can and burn their houses instead ... I heard it happened to Lampedusa. They should be good!
I wonder: why immigrants have cast into the sea? We are not racists. We are all equal, no race or color. E 'inhuman. There have to be accountable to the Eternal Father, we are all equal before the Eternal Father.

5) know what ' IL TOGO? E L'OROMIA? E IL DARFUR?

Il Togo… aspetta, è un panino?

Il Togo no, il Darfur l’ho sentito dire, l’Oromia bò, io lavoro da mattina e sera e non sono aggiornato.

Il Togo... è un paese africano. Il Darfur l'ho sentito in televisione, l'Oromia no.
Togo non so cosa sia e non conosco l’ Oromia. Il Darfur mi sembra che sia una città in cui c’è stata una guerriglia. Anche gli Stati Uniti volevano fare qualcosa per aiutarli.

Cos’è Togo? Bò non so. E Darfur? Questo l’ho sentito… che Darfur?

Il Togo è uno stato africano accanto al Benin; la sua religione nazionale è il vudu; e in passato è stato uno dei più grandi fornitori di schiavi neri. Tutto questo lo so perché recentemente sono stato in vacanza nel Benin. L’ Oromia non so cosa sia. Il Darfur è una regione nel nord del Sudan dove Bashir dal 2002 fa pogrom con la sua milizia a metà strada tra esercito e banda di mercenari.



Tre o quattro credo.

Bangla: Abardacha hobe, Indi: Per Melingua, Arabo: Ma Salam, Inglese: see you again. E italiano!

Molte. Francese, Tedesco… te lo vorrei dire in Swahili ma adesso non me lo ricordo.

Italiano, Rumeno: Ala re vedere. Two languages \u200b\u200bare similar, both are from Latin.

Italian, English, English.

Italian and French.

Polish, Italian, English.

In Italian!


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