Monday, July 9, 2007

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At Book Fair Celle Ligure

Le Edizioni Il Foglio hanno partecipato alla Fiera di Celle Ligure che si è rivelata una buona occasione per far conoscere i nostri libri al numeroso pubblico presente sul Lungomare Crocetta. Nelle ore notture la passeggiata era frequentata da curiosi e lettori che hanno comprato libri e hanno apprezzato le nostre pubblicazioni. Erano presenti alla fiera Gordiano Lupi (Direttore Editoriale), Dargys Ciberio (Segreteria), Vincenzo Trama (A quella vecchietta meter ...) and Ivano Galletta (The Dark). The most popular titles were: Life jinetera, Prince Brown, Women pissed, the swastika in the darkness, Fame, The season of madness, Maleficent, The manufacturer of bicycles, the mysteries of the attics, single by force, Filming death In the shadow of Fuji - Yama, Sam Raimi, condicio Sex, Stories Pimus, Torino Noir, Kaslan, and Mr. P. Seraphim and this night of loneliness and beer. They sold copies, as well as other securities and the fair was carratterizzata from fiction for children have moved well our titles for children and teens. Excellent result for the series SCRIPTURES TO WOMEN, a sign of good readers' interest for books women, especially if the nature of unconventional and ironic. An interesting event will be the Festival of Literature independent Pontedera 4 to 7 October organized by LIBRIALSOLE.


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