Monday, April 16, 2007

Poptropica Unwanted Accounts

Welcome to the official blog of Sex Condicio

condicio Sex-and-Various Authors. The Literary Gazette Page 300 - 15.00 Euro Team
Ross Rings , Eliselle , * Praline * Patricia Diamond Priorini
and Navy men's team :
Gordian Lupi , Giovanni Buzi , Vernon Ciccone e Vincenzo Trama

"Le squadre si fronteggiano a viso aperto, si studiano: poi inizia il gioco, ed รจ senza esclusione di colpi. Le donne si gettano nella mischia e attaccano sotto la cintura.
Rossella Anelli dipinge una trama tesa e serrata su una donna che scopre di avere gusti sessuali a dir poco particolari. Saranno dolori: soprattutto per i suoi partner...
Eliselle propone per il calo del desiderio sessuale una terapia d'urto per la coppia moderna. Se tendete l'orecchio sentirete ancora gli echi dell'urto hundreds of miles away.
Patricia Diamond Praline describes a love that unfolds in space and time, to go beyond the boundaries of fantasy and poetry.
The protagonist of the story of Marina Priorini play it on the razor's edge with his fantasies and makes them real. If you woke up in a different place at a different time, you'd be a different person?
The boys are stunned by the fury of opponents, but they recover quickly and go to the boarding growling and beating his chest.
Gordian Wolves play with the red light high school memories of the late 70s and mixes them with movies at the time of Z-series they dream, and out of bed, millions of young Italians and furunculosis.
Giovanni Buzi is thrown headlong into a dark house inhabited by mysterious and charming ladies. And in the house the game will become more tense up to become sexual initiation of the most shocking.
Vernon Ciccone, the illegitimate son of a famous pop star, is bard of black leather and studs for a story punk'n'porn all to listen.
Vincent Trama is chasing hard for the stories his editor, picked up on the streets of bawdy, irreverent and goggled.
And now he plays the gong. The game is over e le squadre si ritirano stanche e sudate, gli artigli ancora snudati e i canini brillanti. Resta nell'aria un'ultima, fatidica domanda.
Chi ha vinto?"

Sex condicio - Autori Vari - ed. Il Foglio Letterario Pag. 300 - Euro 15,00


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