Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mumbai To Delhi Flightplan

The theater speakers dominating the trick for the poor and the exploited:

posted this document written by fellow combat in reply to scieneggiato put in place by the ruling class.

Our hatred and 'class!

December 16, 2009

We do not delegate to anybody, it 'tifiamo for occasional avengers.
not side with any of the political parties involved in this false
clash after the "launch of the cathedral" that hit Berlusconi.

The acceleration of the ongoing political confrontation, with the tired ideoligico bipartisan outpouring that characterizes it, tends to readjust the balance of power between the center-right and center, and within the same coalition.

Behind the mutual accusations di "dittatura, eversione, terrorismo
mediatico, toni accesi, anni '70 etc " si cela il tentativo, gia' in corso, del governo di riproporre in chiave emergenziale nuove finanziarie, scudi fiscali, lodi Alfano, strette repressive, e del P.D. di proporsi come unica opposizione attualmente collaborante, responsabile e strategicamente bipolare.
Per il resto, il cannibalismo e la strumentalizzazione la fanno da padrone. Dall'I.D.V. che tenta di proporre come opposizione " non ipocrita" l'assemblaggio tra frattaglie della defunta sinistra di stato, girotondi, grilli e magistrati, all'U.D.C. che, fulminata ed arruolata nel novello c.l.n. di liberazione dal Berlusca, rosicchia trasversalmente spazio e voti al centro.
Da questo stage on which replicates the script written by the masters of all time, the proletariat, and 'absent, succumb, suffer the blows of the crisis by failing to become an independent person and real pain in this alleged "lost, and sought by all," civil society . The absence of a
deployed by the proletarian class struggle from 'space for each use and manipulation by politicians of all stripes Paraculo.
The lesson that we assimilate and 'that although episodically and sconclusionatamente, a master is injured, we claim the mourning quote the entire "society' civil ', while the daily deaths and injuries in work, war, hunger, even those directly concerned are able to rebel.
This democracy, which together with Berlusconi's face, the whole sky policy to restore the complainant, it is confirmed a scam for the poor and the exploited.
It's about time that we exploited the poor and we understood once and for all, making their own, stop attacking other posters, and other people's interests by continuing to vote or to parades for
gentlemen of the right or left.
It's time to escape false sides for or against the constitution, or against subversion, for or against the violence, restoring the assumption that the substance and forms of class struggle are historically determined, and determined only by balance of power between classes.
